JRKPaymentSipsBundle requires the ATOS api folder
- Using composer
Add jrk/paymentsips-bundle as a dependency in your project's composer.json file:
"require": {
"jrk/paymentsips-bundle": "dev-master"
Update composer
php composer update
php composer.phar update
- Add JRKPaymentSipsBundle to your application kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new JRK\PaymentSipsBundle\JRKPaymentSipsBundle(),
- Yml configuration
# app/config/config.yml
sips_pathfile: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/sips/param/pathfile"
sips_request: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/sips/bin/static/request"
sips_response: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/sips/bin/static/response"
sips_logs: "%kernel.root_dir%/logs/sips.log"
sips_merchant_id: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
sips_currency_code: "EUR" # OR use the currency_code provided by ATOS (978=EUR for example)
sips_language: "fr"
sips_payment_means: "CB,2,VISA,2,MASTERCARD,2"
sips_header_flag: "yes"
sips_merchant_country: "fr"
sips_cancel_return_url: "my_homepage_route" # Route to redirect if the payment is canceled
sips_route_response: "my_sips_response" # Route to redirect if the payment is accepted
sips_route_auto_response: "my_sips_autoresponse" # Route called by the payment server
- Routes import
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@JRKPaymentSipsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /payment
- Console usage
Install assets
php app/console assets:install
Generate pathfile assets - You'll have to specify param's path directory (by default use [app/config/sips/param])
php app/console jrk:sips:install
For example, with default values of the bundle, you can extract the API like this:
|-- app
| `-- config
| `-- sips
| `-- bin
| `-- static
| `-- request
| `-- response
| `-- param
| `-- certif.XXXXXXXXXXXX
| `-- parmcom.XXXXXXXXXXXX
| `-- parmcom.mercanet # if you are using mercanet for example
| `-- pathfile # generated
| `-- Version.txt
- Using service
Open your controller and call the service.
$sips_form = $this->get('jrk_paymentsips')->get_sips_request(
"amount" => 10,
"currency_code" => 978 // Override params if you need
"order_id" => 12
The bundle forward an array with the server response in a multidimensionnal array :
In your response action, if you call this : $structuredData = $request->attributes->get('response_data')
the variable structuredData will contain the following data :
- code
- error
- merchant_id
- merchant_country
- amount
- transaction_id
- payment_means
- transmission_date
- payment_time
- payment_date
- response_code
- payment_certificate
- authorisation_id
- currency_code
- card_number
- cvv_flag
- cvv_response_code
- bank_response_code
- complementary_code
- complementary_info
- return_context
- caddie
- receipt_complement
- merchant_language
- language
- customer_id
- order_id
- customer_email
- customer_ip_address
- capture_day
- capture_mode
- data
- order_validity
- transaction_condition
- statement_reference
- card_validity
- score_value
- score_color
- score_info
- score_threshold
- score_profile
Attributes "code" and "response_code" will give you more informations about the state of the payment. You can now use the "sips_route_response" method in your controller
// Retrieve the data forwarded by the bundle
$responseData = $request->attributes->get('response_data');
$orderId = $responseData['order_id'];
// Get your order entity
$order = $this
// Update your entity data, for exemple order state
Controller example
class MyController
public function paymentpageAction()
// Initialize your order entity or whatever you want
$order = new OrderExample();
// Don't forget to set an amount in array
// You can dynamically override config parameters here like currency_code etc...
$paymentForm = $this->get('jrk_paymentsips')->get_sips_request(
'amount' => $price,
'order_id' => $order->getId()
// Render your payment page, you can render the sips form like that for twig : {{ sips_form }}
return $this->render('ShopFrontBundle:MyController:paymentpage.html.twig',
// Controller set in your config.yml : my_sips_response parameter
public function my_sips_responseAction()
$responseData = $request->attributes->get('response_data');
$orderId = $responseData['order_id'];
// Find your order in your database
$order = $this
// Store your transaction entity in database for example, or attributes.
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
// Notify the user by mail for example
/* ... */
// Redirect the user in his history orders for example
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl("user_history_orders"));
View (twig example)
Order page :
{{ sips_form|raw }}