Imp is a semi-autonomous network agent designed to crawl the eth2 network an collect data that will be used to monitor the network health in realtime.
WARNING Code is not in a stable state. The project is used for adhoc data collection and will NOT be easy to get working. Sorry...I haven't decided what the long term plans are.
Here's a screencap of two imp agents peered and communicating with a Lighthouse node / validator pair:
If you have docker installed and you have already cloned the repo, then running imp in crawl mode is easy:
make release-docker
make crawl-docker
the output will be stored in csv files in the current dir under .schlesi
For more information on prkl click here
If you just want to build and run then docker is the easiest way. See the QuickStart section above.
Install rustup so you can switch between Rust versions:
> brew install rustup
Install the Rust compiler and package manager:
> rustup-init
Tmux (Optional):
Installing this will make running the demo easier:
> brew install tmux
Clone the repo:
> git clone
For convenience, a Makefile is provided to alias the different build options with the following targets:
This build target is for developers and used (obviously) for debugging.
      docker command:    make debug-docker
      macos command:    make debug
If you just want to run imp, then use this target.
      docker command:    make release-docker
      macos command:    make release
This is an option for developers. It is a convenient was to reference packages, like mothra, that are being developed along with imp.
      command:    make debug-local
There are two modes of operation:
This mode will have imp crawl the DHT of an eth2 testnet and output info to a csv
      docker command:    make crawl-docker
      macos command:    cd scripts && sh schlesi|topaz num_crawlers snapshot|timehsitory
This mode is designed to have imp impersonate an eth2 node and listen to gossip messages on the network. Try the following script to learn more:
> cd scripts && sh
imp args:
imp 0.1.0
Jonny Rhea
Eth2 Network Agent
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--debug-level <LEVEL>
Log filter. [default: info] [possible values: info, debug, trace, warn, error, crit]
--p2p-protocol-version <P2P_PROTOCOL_VERSION> P2P protocol version to advertise. [default: imp/libp2p]
--testnet-dir <DIR> The location of the testnet directory to use.
crawler ETH2 network crawler.
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
mothra P2P networking component.
imp crawler args:
> imp crawler -h
imp-crawler 0.1.0
ETH2 network crawler.
imp crawler [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--boot-nodes <ENR-LIST> One or more comma-delimited base64-encoded ENR's to bootstrap the p2p network.
--datadir <DIR> The location of the data directory to use.
--listen-address <ADDRESS> The address the client will listen for UDP and TCP connections. [default:]
--port <PORT> The TCP/UDP port to listen on. [default: 9000]
imp mothra args:
> imp mothra -h
imp-mothra 0.1.0
P2P networking component.
imp mothra [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-a, --auto-ports Allow the OS to select from available TCP/UDP ports.
-d, --disable-enr-auto-update This fixes the ENR's IP/PORT to whatever is specified at startup.
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--boot-nodes <ENR-LIST> One or more comma-delimited base64-encoded ENR's to bootstrap the p2p network.
--datadir <DIR> The location of the data directory to use.
--debug-level <LEVEL> Log filter. [default: info] [possible values: info, debug, trace, warn,
error, crit]
--discovery-port <PORT> The discovery UDP port.
--libp2p-addresses <MULTIADDR> One or more comma-delimited multiaddrs to manually connect to a libp2p peer
without an ENR.
--listen-address <ADDRESS> The address the client will listen for UDP and TCP connections. [default:]
--maxpeers <maxpeers> The maximum number of peers. [default: 50]
--port <PORT> The TCP/UDP port to listen on. [default: 9000]
--topics <STRING> One or more comma-delimited gossipsub topics to subscribe to.