Gradle OSGiBnd Plugin uses the BND tool to generate OSGi bundles.
To use this plugin, add the following to your build script.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath ""
apply plugin: 'org.jruyi.osgibnd'
Or for gradle 2.1+
plugins {
id "org.jruyi.osgibnd" version "0.5.0"
Applies the Java plugin.
This plugin does not add any tasks.
Add bnd instructions to the jar manifest to change the plugin behavior.
jar {
manifest {
attributes (
'Export-Package': 'org.jruyi.example.*',
'-dsannotations': '*',
Please visit [BND website] ( for a complete list of instructions and their format
<Bundle-SymbolicName> is computed in the same way as the shared Maven2OsgiConverter does. Basically, the symbolic name is generated as + '.' + project.jar.baseName except the follow cases.
- If Bundle-SymbolicName is provided in the manifest then that value is used.
- If has only one section (no dots), then the first package name with classes is used. eg. commons-logging:commons-logging -> org.apache.commons.logging
- If ends with project.jar.baseName then is used. eg. org.jruyi.gradle:gradle -> org.jruyi.gradle
- If project.jar.baseName starts with last section of that portion is removed. eg. org.jruyi:jruyi-gradle -> org.jruyi.gradle
<Bundle-Version> is assumed to be project.version but is normalized to the OSGi version format of 'MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO.QUALIFIER', for example '0.1-SNAPSHOT' would become '0.1.0.SNAPSHOT'.
<Bundle-Name> is set to project property 'title' if Bundle-Name is not provided in manifest. If property title is not provided, then Bundle-Name is set to
<Bundle-Description> is set to project.description if provided
<Bundle-Vendor> is set to project property 'organizationName' if Bundle-Vendor is not provided in manifest and property organizationName is provided
<Bundle-DocURL> is set to project property 'organizationUrl' if Bundle-DocURL is not provided in manifest and property organizationUrl is provided
<Bundle-License> is set to project property 'licenseUrl' if Bundle-License is not provided in manifest and property licenseUrl is provided
OSGiBnd Gradle Plugin is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.