WebSocket server that exposes an API to train AI agents on OpenAI Gym and gym-api like environments such as Gym Retro or Unity ML-Agents, this last one with the help of gym wrapper
Gymie can be installed using:
$ pip install gymie
or by cloning the repo and pip-installing in editable mode from the folder:
$ git clone https://github.com/jscriptcoder/Gymie-Server.git
Cloning into 'Gymie-Server'...
$ cd Gymie-Server/
$ pip install -e .
Obtaining file:///path/to/Gymie-Server
Successfully installed gymie
You can start the server from the command line:
$ python -m gymie --host --port 5000
(84581) wsgi starting up on
or programmatically:
import gymie
gymie.start('localhost', 9000)
A client can communicate with Gymie via JSON, with the following format:
"method": "api_method_name",
"params": {
"param1": "string",
"param2": 6,
"param3": true,
"param4": []
: Instantiates an environment.
// Params:
"env_id": "CartPole-v1",
"seed": 0 // optional
// Response:
"instance_id": "unique-id"
: Performs a step on the environment.
// Params:
"instance_id": "instance-id"
"action": [1, 0, 1] // MultiBinary action
// Response:
[...], // next state
-2.0, // reward
false, // done
{...}, // info
: Resets the environment.
// Params:
"instance_id": "instance-id"
// Response:
[...] // initial state
: Closes the environment.
// Params:
"instance_id": "instance-id"
// Response:
: Generates a dictionary with observation space info.
// Params:
"instance_id": "instance-id"
// Response for Discreate observation space:
"name": "Discreate",
"n": 4
// Response for Box (Continuous) observation space:
"name": "Box",
"shape": [3],
"low": [-5, -5, -5],
"high": [5, 5, 5]
// Response for MultiBinary observation space:
"name": "MultiBinary",
"n": 5,
"shape": [5]
// TODO MultiDiscrete
: Generates a dictionary with action space info.
// Params:
"instance_id": "instance-id"
// Response for Discreate actions:
"name": "Discreate",
"n": 4
// Response for Box (Continuous) actions:
"name": "Box",
"shape": [2],
"low": [-1, -1],
"high": [1, 1]
: Generates a random action.
// Params:
"instance_id": "instance-id"
// Response for Discrete actions:
// Response for Continuous actions:
[1.52, -3.67]
: Decorator to override internal functionality. It takes a string, function's name, as an argument. This is useful if we want to use different gym-like wrappers. For example, both Gym Retro and Unity ML-Agents have different ways to instantiate an environment. You can take a look at the tests to see how it's done for Gym Retro and Unity ML-Agents (with the help of gym-unity). At the moment there are two internal functions that can be overriden,get_env
def override(func_name: str) -> Callable
import retro
from gymie import override
from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment, UnityEnvironmentException
def retro_get_env(env_id, seed=None):
"""Instantiates a Gym environment"""
env = retro.make(game=env_id)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise EnvironmentNotFound
if seed:
return env
def unity_process_step(step):
"""Does some processing of the step"""
observation, reward, done, info = step
return observation.tolist(), float(reward), done, {}
: This function takes two arguments, host and port, and starts the server, listening onws://host:port
def start (host: str = '', port: int = 5000) -> None
import gymie
gymie.start('localhost', 8080)
You can run all the tests by executing run_tests.sh
$ ./run_tests.sh
In order to run test_gymie_retro.py
you need to have gym-retro package installed. For tests/test_gymie_unity.py
, you need mlagents-envs and gym-unity.
MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Francisco Ramos