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Lauri Eskola edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 2 revisions


We try to document as many of our decisions, still, you might have some questions, which is what we try to answer here.

Why are you not "just" using X

As in most software projects, many of the decisions were made over time, but we are of course also open for improvements. Instead of just start to spend a lot of time on it, we recommend to reach out on #javascript in Drupal slack and maybe even pick a "good first issue".

Why are you using react?

Drupal JavaScript Initiative: The Road to a Modern Administration UI

Why are you using Redux instead of just simple react

Complex interfaces have a lot of state, for example coming from external data stored in Drupal. We've all had good experiences with Redux in the past, so we went with that.

Why are you not embedding React into Drupal

We are convinced that by building a completely javascript interface we will be able to build an overall better user experience. The blog post gives some more details.

Why is there no serverside rendering?

We started discussing that in #185, but it is tricky, as we don't necessarily have javascript available on the server. On top of that our goal is to build a great user experience, and well, serverside rendering distracts from this goal for now.

Other question?

Don't hesitate to jump into #javascript and start engaging :) We have a welcoming environment.