This repository is my personal Vim configurations, include configuration and plugins. The plugins are managed by neobundle.
- Install git on your OS
- For Windows user: Install windows for git
- For Linux user: Install git via your package manager
- For OS X user: Install git via homebrew
- Clone vimcfg repos
git clone
- Create symbolic links
Linux/OS X
ln -s vimcfg/_vimrc ~/.vimrc ln -s vimcfg/vimfiles ~/.vim
Windows Install vim into the vimcfg diretory and the treeview should like below:
vimcfg +-- .git +-- vim74 (vim install directory) +-- vimfiles +-- .gitignore +-- .gitmodules +-- _vimrc +--
- Install other plugins
Open Vim then NeoBundle will install other plugins automatically
- Update plugins
The plugins can be updated by :NeoBundleUpdate
- Post install
Some plugins require external command.
require vim hasiconv
feature and an external libiconv.dll
for windows.neocomplete
require vim hasif_lua
require Clang for C-family completion.syntastic
need to install external checker for different filetype.vimproc
need to build C code to dll on windows, which will auto build for Linux and OS X.vim-go
need to install binary tool via:GoInstallBinaries
require ctags and GNU globaltern_for_vim
require install tern (node.js based)
neobundle.vim is managed by git subtree.
So if you need to update it. please use the following command.
git subtree pull --prefix vimfiles/bundle/neobundle.vim master --squash
Be sure don't forget the paramenter --squash
, otherwise all the history of subtree will be add to your history.
For more details about neobundle
Please refer here or :help neobundle
And also you can fork this repository, if you want to custom your own configuration.
Thanks for reading :)