Smarty Template Engine for Laravel
(Support for Laravel5.x and Lumen)
Require this package with Composer
$ composer require ytake/laravel-smarty
or composer.json
"require": {
"ytake/laravel-smarty": "^2.2"
Supported Auto-Discovery(^Laravel5.5)
add Laravel.Smarty Service Providers
your config/app.php
'providers' => [
// add smarty extension
// add artisan commands
Require this package with Composer
$ composer require ytake/laravel-smarty
or composer.json
"require": {
"ytake/laravel-smarty": "~2.0"
register Laravel.Smarty Service Providers
your bootstrap/app.php
$ php artisan vendor:publish
publish to config directory
Of Course, Blade Template can also be used to Render Engine.
Copy the vendor/ytake/laravel-smarty/src/config/ytake-laravel-smarty.php
file to your local config directory
edit config/ytake-laravel-smarty.php
// enabled smarty template cache
'caching' => true, // default false
// disabled smarty template compile
'force_compile' => false, // default true(for develop)
add .env file
edit config/ytake-laravel-smarty.php
'caching' => env('SMARTY_CACHING', false),
'force_compile' => env('SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE', true),
and more..!
easily use all the methods of Smarty
// laravel5 view render
// Laravel blade template render(use Facades)
\View::make('template', ['hello']);
// use Smarty method
\View::assign('word', 'hello');
\View::clearAllAssign(); // smarty method
$this->app['view']->composer('index', function (View $view) {
$view->with('message', 'enable smarty');
$this->app['view']->share('title', 'laravel-smarty');
Hello Laravel.Smarty
smarty's cache clear, remove compile class from Artisan(cli)
$ php artisan ytake:smarty-clear-cache
Options | description |
--file (-f) | specify file |
--time (-t) | clear all of the files that are specified duration time |
--cache_id (-cache) | specified cache_id groups |
$ php artisan ytake:smarty-clear-compiled
Options | description |
--file (-f) | specify file |
--compile_id (-compile) | specified compile_id |
$ php artisan ytake:smarty-optimize
Options | description |
--extension (-e) | specified smarty file extension(default: .tpl) |
--force | compiles template files found in views directory |
choose file, memcached, Redis
(default file cache driver)
// smarty cache driver "file", "memcached", "redis"
'cache_driver' => 'file',
// memcached servers
'memcached' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => 11211,
'weight' => 100
// redis configure
'redis' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
'database' => 0,
registerFilter in ServiceProvider
registerFilter in Controller