Apex grammar for tree-sitter.
Based on the official Java grammar https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-java.
To compile the grammar just clone the repo and run the following commands
npm install
./node_modules/.bin/tree-sitter generate
node-gyp configure
node-gyp build
Once compiled it can be tested with the command line utility.
tree-sitter parse test/Sample.cls
To use the parser in neovim you will require the neovim plugin nvim-treesitter
In your nvim config you can set the following instructions. Change the url to point to the local path where the repo has been cloned.
local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs()
parser_config.apex = {
install_info = {
url = "~/Tech/treesitter/tree-sitter-apex", -- local path or git repo
files = {"src/parser.c"}
filetype = "apexcode", -- if filetype does not agrees with parser name
And then install it with:
TSInstall apex
In a rust project add the tree-sitter dependency
cargo add tree-sitter
Then add the dependency to the cc compiler in your Cargo.toml
cc = "1.0"
And finally create a build.rs file that will compile the tree-sitter lib
extern crate cc;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main()
let dir: PathBuf = [<point to the path where the tree-sitter-apex repo has been cloned in your local machine> ]
And for use, in your main.rs you can add this:
use tree_sitter::{Language, Parser};
let language = unsafe { tree_sitter_apex() };
let mut parser = Parser::new();
Once is installed the grammar in the neovim tree-sitter plugin.
local ts_utils = require"nvim-treesitter.ts_utils"
local p_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(p_bufnr, 'apex')
local root = parser:parse()[1]:root()
Install the python bindings for tree-sitter
And compile the library to be used for the python program.
from tree_sitter import Language, Parser
'<point to the path where the tree-sitter-apex repo has been cloned in your local machine>'
And for use
APEX_LANGUAGE = Language('build/tree-sitter-apex.so', 'apex')
parser = Parser()
All the functionalities implemented can be checked in the src/Sample.cls file
My personal suggestion is to configure neovim tree_sitter plugin and then use the tree_sitter playground. https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/playground
- apex specific modifiers. (global, with/without sharing)
global with sharing class Class1
- apex string_literal
- query_literal
List<String> l = [
SELECT field1, field2
FROM Account];
- dml_statement
public DML_examples() {
List<String> l = [
SELECT field1, field2
FROM Account];
insert l;
update l;
delete l;
- enhanced_dml_statement
public Enhanced_DML_example() {
delete [SELECT id FROM Account];
- null_safe_operator
String myString = myContact?.Account?.RecordType.Name;
- not_equals_operators
if ( 1 <> 2 ) {
String x = 'foo';
if ( 1 != 2 ) {
String x = 'foo';
Please open an issue on this repo and we'll work through it.
There are still some parsing error. If you want to fix some of them please feel free to send a PR.