This is a CLI-based application using a MySQL Database entitled "EmployeeTracker", Inquirer, and Console.Table to allow users to query, view, insert, and modify data within the EmployeeTracker database housed inside of MySQL. This application, however, can be suit itself to the database of users by modifying the connection information housed within the server.js
users is able to use the following command in an integrated terminal to run the application:
node server.js
This command will then query users with various options related to the database, such as "View All Employees," "Add New Employee," "Update Employee Role," etc. The information will be provided to users in a table-form using console.table
Finally, users can end the connection by selecting "Exit" from the list of options within the CLI.
To install, users may clone this GitHub Repository. Upon opening the repository in a coding application, users to use npm i
to install the necessary packages for this application (namely, inquirer
, mysql
, and console.table
With these packages installed, users can use the schema.sql
file for beginning the database, which houses the database's structure--that which is used by the Employee Tracker Application. The database currently contains information for: department (ID and Name), role (ID, Title, Salary, and the Department ID), and employee (ID, First Name, Last Name, his/her Role ID, and his/her Manager's ID).
In the seed.sql
file, users will find preliminary data which can be inserted into the database as a starting point. This data may be easily modified to fit users's purposes, provided it falls inn line with the underlying structure of the database itself.
With these structures in place, users may use the following command to begin the application:
node server.js
Inquirer, MySQL, Console.Table, Node JS
After opening an integrated terminal and entering the command to begin the CLI, as explained above, users will be greated with a list of options relating to the various functions of the application:
View All Employees
View All Departments
View All Roles
Add Department
Add Role
Add Employee
Update Employee Roles
The first three options allow users to see each employee, department, and role contained within the database's memory:
The Add Department
option will allow users to add a department to the database, giving it an ID number as well so that it can be used in other areas of the application:
The Add Roll
option will allow users to add a roll to the database, also receiving a new ID to allow it to be continually used. This new roll will also ask for a department to be attached to it from the pre-existing choices in the databse:
The Add Employee
option will allow users to create a new employee. This prompt contains the information for the new employee's first and last name, role, department, and manager (if applicable). This option will then connect the employee's information to the role and department tables within the database:
Finally, the Update Employee Roles
option will allow users to modify the current role of a pre-existing employee. This prompt will provide users with a list of every current employee, from which they can select the desired employee. After this, users will see a list of all current roles within the company, allowing them to select the new role of the desired employee:
A full video of the CLI functionality can be seen here:
- Jarrod Bataille
- Portfolio Webpage:
- GitHub Profile:
- E-mail Address: