Universidad del Valle
- Cali, Colombia.
- https://david.alfagenos.com
personal_brand Public
Portfolio, web page, backend donation system and all the services needed to create my personal brand.
primary_bid_skill_assestment Public
Fullstack mini project for AWS with docker, mongodb, express, vue and element ui
JavaScript UpdatedJan 6, 2023 -
crypto_bot Public
This is a crypto bot using Binance and several web scrapping techniques
Python UpdatedMay 31, 2022 -
lambda_notifier Public
Application + infrastructure on AWS to enable large scale notifications on different channels based on CloudWatch logs
TypeScript UpdatedMay 16, 2022 -
whatsapp_chatbot Public
Chatbot that responds whatsapp messages once a day
Python UpdatedJul 9, 2020 -
A python program that uses a ultrasonic sensor an AI to detect objects based on stadistical characteristics
Python UpdatedMay 16, 2020 -
google-cloud-python Public
Forked from googleapis/google-cloud-pythonGoogle Cloud Client Library for Python
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 24, 2019 -
miProyectoPHP Public
primera version de la pagina web para el manejo de las herramientas de medicion
UpdatedJan 31, 2018