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Brackets Shortcuts

Patrick Oladimeji edited this page Oct 14, 2013 · 23 revisions

Brackets Shortcuts

This page is to document which Shortcut keys are being used by Brackets. Since documenting a software project which is under development will be hard to keep up-to-date, I wrote a Brackets Shortcuts Extension to generate a list of the current set of shortcuts defined to Brackets.

This extension displays all shortcuts defined for:

  • Brackets
  • CodeMirror (which not overridden by Brackets)
  • Extensions which are currently installed

So, I loaded up all of the extensions currently listed on the Brackets Extensions page, started up Brackets, opened the Shortcuts Panel (via Help > Display Shortcuts), opened up a new page, and the clicked the "Copy to Current Document" to create the table below.

So, if you create a new extension for Brackets, follow the same process and add rows to the table to show which shortcuts you are using.

Base Key Key Binding Command ID Command Name Origin
+ Ctrl-+ view.increaseFontSize Increase Font Size Brackets
, Ctrl-Shift-, Select Parent Extension (Notwebsafe)
- Ctrl-- view.decreaseFontSize Decrease Font Size Brackets
. Ctrl-Shift-. Select Child Extension (Notwebsafe)
/ Ctrl-/ edit.lineComment Comment/Uncomment Lines Brackets
/ Ctrl-Alt-/ pflynn.searchCommands Search Commands Extension
0 Ctrl-0 view.restoreFontSize Restore Font Size Brackets
= Ctrl-= view.increaseFontSize Increase Font Size Brackets
A Ctrl-A edit.selectAll Select All Brackets
A Ctrl-Shift-A AlignAssignments.align Align Assignments Extension
C Ctrl-Shift-C file.previewHighlight Live Highlight Brackets
D Ctrl-D edit.duplicate Duplicate Brackets
D Ctrl-Shift-D edit.deletelines Delete Line(s) Brackets
E Ctrl-E navigate.toggleQuickEdit Quick Edit Brackets
E Ctrl-Shift-E pflynn.searchWorkingSetFiles Go to Open File Extension
F Ctrl-F edit.find Find Brackets
F Ctrl-Shift-F edit.findInFiles Find in Files Brackets
F Shift-Ctrl-F replace replace CodeMirror
G Ctrl-G navigate.gotoLine Go to Line Brackets
G Ctrl-Alt-G GitHubAccess.init Initialize GitHubAccess Extension (GitHubAccess)
G Shift-Ctrl-G findPrev findPrev CodeMirror
H Ctrl-H edit.replace Replace Brackets
H Ctrl-Shift-H view.hideSidebar Hide Sidebar Brackets
L Ctrl-L convert_lowercase To Lower Case Extension
L Ctrl-Alt-L me.drewh.jsbeautify Beautify Document Extension(Beautify)
M Ctrl-M minifier.min Minify Code Extension(Minifier)
N Ctrl-N New File Brackets
O Alt-O openFileFromUrl.fullEditor Edit File Extension
O Ctrl-O Open… Brackets
O Ctrl-Alt-O openfolder.containing Open Containing Folder Extension
O Ctrl-Shift-O navigate.quickOpen Quick Open Brackets
P Ctrl-Alt-P file.liveFilePreview Live Preview Brackets
Q Ctrl-Q file.quit Quit Brackets
R Ctrl-Shift-R kehrig.ReloadInBrowser.reload Reload in browser Extension (Reload In Browser)
R Shift-Ctrl-R replaceAll replaceAll CodeMirror
S Ctrl-Alt-S file.saveAll Save All Brackets
S Ctrl-S Save Brackets
S Ctrl-Shift-S snippets.hideSnippets Show Snippets Extension
T Ctrl-T navigate.gotoDefinition Go to Definition Brackets
U Ctrl-U convert_uppercase To Upper Case Extension
V Ctrl-Alt-V snippets.execute Run Snippet Extension
W Ctrl-Shift-W denniskehrig.ShowIndentation.toggle Show Indentations Extension (Show Indentation)
W Ctrl-W file.close Close Brackets
Y Ctrl-Y redo redo CodeMirror
Z Ctrl-Z undo undo CodeMirror
Z Shift-Ctrl-Z redo redo CodeMirror
[ Ctrl-[ edit.unindent Unindent Brackets
[ Ctrl-] edit.indent Indent Brackets
[ Ctrl-[ pflynn.goWorkingSetPrev Previous Document in List. Extension
] Ctrl-] pflynn.goWorkingSetNext Next Document in List. Extension
Backspace Ctrl-Backspace delWordLeft delWordLeft CodeMirror
Backspace Cmd-Backspace (Mac only) probertson.deleteToLineStart Delete To Line Start Extension (Delete to line start/end)
Backspace Alt-Backspace (Win only) probertson.deleteToLineStart Delete To Line Start Extension (Delete to line start/end)
Delete Ctrl-Delete delWordRight delWordRight CodeMirror
Delete Cmd-Delete (Mac only) probertson.deleteToLineEnd Delete To Line End Extension (Delete to line start/end)
Delete Alt-Delete (Win only) probertson.deleteToLineEnd Delete To Line End Extension (Delete to line start/end)
Down Alt-Down navigate.nextMatch Next Match Brackets
Down Alt-Shift-Down pflynn.everyscrub.nudge_down Decrement Number Extension (Everyscrub)
Down Ctrl-Down goDocEnd goDocEnd CodeMirror
Down Ctrl-Shift-Down edit.lineDown Move Line(s) Down Brackets
End Ctrl-End goDocEnd goDocEnd CodeMirror
Enter Ctrl-Enter edit.openLineBelow Open Line Below Brackets
Enter Ctrl-Shift-Enter edit.openLineAbove Open Line Above Brackets
F2 F2 file.rename Rename Brackets
F3 F3 edit.findNext Find Next Brackets
F3 Shift-F3 edit.findPrevious Find Previous Brackets
F4 Cmd-F4 toshsharma.bookmarks.toggleBookmark Toggle Bookmark Extension (Bookmarks)
F4 F4 toshsharma.bookmarks.nextBookmark Next Bookmark Extension (Bookmarks)
F4 Shift-Cmd-F4 toshsharma.bookmarks.clearBookmarks Clear Bookmarks Extension (Bookmarks)
F4 Shift-F4 toshsharma.bookmarks.previousBookmark Previous Bookmark Extension (Bookmarks)
F5 F5 debug.refreshWindow Reload Brackets Brackets
F6 F6 project.gruntDefault Grunt default Extension (brackets-grunt)
F7 F7 de.richter.brackets.extension.brackets-sort-text.sortLines Sort Lines Extension (Richter)
F7 ⇧F7 de.richter.brackets.extension.brackets-sort-text.reverseLines Reverse Lines Extension (Richter)
F7 ⌘F7 de.richter.brackets.extension.brackets-sort-text.sortLinesByLength Sort Lines by length Extension (Richter)
F7 ⌥F7 de.richter.brackets.extension.brackets-sort-text.shuffleLines Shuffle Lines Extension (Richter)
F7 ⌥⌘F7 de.richter.brackets.extension.brackets-sort-text.uniqueLines Remove Duplicate Lines Extension (Richter)
F12 F12 debug.showDeveloperTools Show Developer Tools Brackets
Home Ctrl-Home goDocStart goDocStart CodeMirror
Left Alt-Left goLineStart goLineStart CodeMirror
Left Ctrl-Left goWordLeft goWordLeft CodeMirror
Right Alt-Right goLineEnd goLineEnd CodeMirror
Right Ctrl-Right goWordRight goWordRight CodeMirror
Tab Ctrl-Shift-Tab navigate.prevDoc Previous Document Brackets
Tab Ctrl-Tab navigate.nextDoc Next Document Brackets
Up Alt-Shift-Up pflynn.everyscrub.nudge_up Increment Number Extension (Everyscrub)
Up Alt-Up navigate.previousMatch Previous Match Brackets
Up Ctrl-Shift-Up edit.lineUp Move Line(s) Up Brackets
J Ctrl-Shift-J katsh.JSONLint Parse json file or hilighted string Extension (JSONLint)
- Ctrl-Alt-- codefolding.collapse Collapse code region at cursor position Extension (Code Folding)
+ Ctrl-Alt-+ codefolding.expand Expand code region at cursor position Extension (Code Folding)
1 Shift-Alt-1 codefolding.expand.all Expand all code in current editor Extension (Code Folding)
1 Alt-1 codefolding.collapse.all Collapse all code in current editor Extension (Code Folding)
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