On macOS 12.5 and earlier with a mac M1, a kernel panic can be triggered when using unix domain sockets. The error message is: uipc_send connected but no connection?
The kernel panic occurs when calling send (https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man2/send.2.html) on a Unix domain socket while the remote end has closed the socket. This is likely a race condition and only happens on arm64 (M1).
The code (client.cpp and server.cpp) is a "minimal" code piece to help reproduce the issue. This can surely be made even shorter but the purpose is to trigger the issue with basic operations.
- Open a terminal then
clang++ --std=c++17 -stdlib=libc++ server.cpp -o server
- Open another terminal then
clang++ --std=c++17 -stdlib=libc++ client.cpp -o client
Then wait until the kernel panic occurs with error message "uipc_send connected but no connection?". As this is a race condition, it can take a few seconds up to a few hours to get triggered with this code.
- server process listens
- client process connects to server
- server accept the connection and starts a thread
- client sends a string (via send)
- server receives the string (recv) and displays it
- server sends a string to client while client is closing socket (client recv call is commented specifically)
- client repeats step 2, 4 and 6 until ctrl+c or kernel panic
send should always return an error on server process end and no kernel panic should be triggered at any time.
This code triggers a kernel panic on macOS 12.4 and macOS 12.5 (21G72) with an M1 mac (arm64). I can't reproduce the issue with Intel macs (x86).