WARNING : This projet is a work in progress, onging changes are likely to break some of the functionalities
Cyber Multi-Agent System Development Environment (CybMASDE) is intended to implement a Dec-POMDP model of any environment where agents have to collaborate to reach a global goal under extra constraints. CybMASDE is mostly intended to model a Cyberdefense scenario dealing with a network on which attack and defender agents are interacting each other.
This project is largely inspired by the context of CyberBattleSim in a multi-agent approach.
It aims to provide a way to simulate a network of nodes on which attack actions are coordinately applied by attacking agents according to a realistic based attack scenario.
Additionally, like cyber-attackers, it also aims to implement defenders whose behaviors result in different organization (whether pre-determined or not).
Consequences of applied action brings out a new environment state, optionally changing the agent knowledge and observations and bringing agents closer or further from their local goals.
Python version >= 3.9
Node version >= v18.14.x
In "backend", type: "python install requirements.txt"
Then, in "backend/src", type: "python -m flask --app server run"
In "frontend", type "npm install"
Then, in "frontend", type "npm run start"
Open a webpage at http://localhost:4200/
The user interface should be displayed
When using terminal, avaialbe command lines are
ls : list avaialbe environment scenarios
load [environment_file.json]
- next : so next agent plays to interact with environment / other agents
- iterate_over [number of iteration] : so several iteration can occur in a single command
An simulation saving file describes:
- The nodes (such as firewalls, workstation, server...) with their properties including deployed agents' ones as well :
Nodes environement skeleton :
"meta_data": {},
"nodes_properties": {
"employee_workstation": {
"installed_operating_system": "Windows/12",
"installed_softwares": "MSOffice/2021",
"processes": {
"agents": {
"db_server": {
"actions": {
Example of agents :
"attacker1": {
"behaviour": "idle",
"observations": {
"found_password_file": "pwd.txt",
"running": true,
"binary_file_location": "C:\\Users\\mwlr.exe",
"defender1": {
"behaviour": "idle",
"observations": {
"is_anomaly_in_log": true,
"running": true,
"root_privilege": "root",
"binary_file_location": "C:\\Users\\dfdr.exe"
- The actions to interact with nodes
"example_Action": {
"cost": 15,
"description": "Example action description",
"precondition": "({{agent}}.property_id1.property_id1_1 == 'v1' and {{node}}.id2 == 'v2) or {{include(precondition_file)}}",
"postcondition": {
"{{agent}}.knowledge.reimagable": "{{node}}.reimagable",
"{{node}}.logs.{{last_index}}": "'{{agent}} observed \"reimagable\" of {{node}} at {{current_time}}'"
"success_probability": 1
A full example is given below :
"meta_data": {},
"nodes_properties": {
"node1_id": {
"installed_operating_system": "Windows/12",
"installed_softwares": "MSOffice/2021",
"processes": {
"agents": {
"attacker1": {
"behaviour": "idle",
"observations": {
"found_password_file": "pwd.txt",
"running": true,
"binary_file_location": "C:\\Users\\mwlr.exe",
"defender1": {
"behaviour": "idle",
"observations": {
"is_anomaly_in_log": true,
"running": true,
"root_privilege": "root",
"binary_file_location": "C:\\Users\\dfdr.exe"
"node2_id": {
"actions": {
"example_action": {
"cost": 15,
"description": "Example action description",
"precondition": "({{agent}}.property_id1.property_id1_1 == 'v1' and {{node}}.id2 == 'v2) or {{include(precondition_file)}}",
"postcondition": {
"{{agent}}.knowledge.reimagable": "{{node}}.reimagable",
"{{node}}.logs.{{last_index}}": "'{{agent}} observed \"reimagable\" of {{node}} at {{current_time}}'"
"success_probability": 1