By Josefina Herrera and Juan Manuel González Kapnik (owner).
Template proyect forked from, by Ezequiel Stanganelli and Francisco Campo.
Final note: 10/10.
The objective of the project was to design a perfect delivering sistem for a company. We had to use a greedier algorithm, and a dinamic programming algorithm. One of them was to be used to load deliveries into different vehicles, and the other algorithm was to be used to deliver the orders.
We decided to use the dynamic programming algorithm to load orders. The main reasons were 2:
- Order loading is more complex than order delivery. Therefore, we chose to guarantee an optimal solution to a complex problem.
- Loading orders into a vehicle is exactly the same as loading items into a backpack. So why not take advantage and follow that algorithm scheme?
To deliver the orders we opted for a greedier algorithm. In this way, the nodes to be traversed by the vehicles will be potentially optimal (to a greater or lesser extent).
To use the project, we debug it using Visual Studio 2022 Community in C#. We understand that depending on the version of the IDE there may be conflicts.
This Practical Work is subject to GPL-3.0 license, more information in the file.