- Seoul, Republic of Korea
Snyk API Typescript client generated from API Blueprints
Various data formats for the SPDX License List including RDFa, HTML, Text, and JSON
Allow Nexus users to test their applications against the Snyk vulnerability database
Snyk CLI scans and monitors your projects for security vulnerabilities.
Scanning and analysis for Black Duck SCA products.
A set of GitHub actions for checking your projects for vulnerabilities
A small collection of vulnerable code snippets
[DEPRECATED]본 저장소는 더이상 업데이트되지 않습니다. Pull Request 및 Issue를 보내셔도 반영되지 않습니다.
bdReportGenerator is a report generator to extract bulk reports from Black Duck automatically.
Pretty diff to html javascript library (diff2html)
Beautifier and language aware code comparison tool for many languages. It also minifies and a few other things.
A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
📚 Community guides for open source creators
🍴 Open source license notice view generator for Swift
This is now deprecated. Please see synopsys-detect.
Black Duck Docker Orchestration Files/Documentation
Bootstrap components built with React