##Step 5 User Stories
- As an author I want to submit my new and edited entries via AJAX so I don't have to wait for a page reload.
- As an author I want to be able to tweet the title of a post and a link to that post by pressing a button so that I can share what I've learned with my followers.
I have added additional BDD tests using Lettuce. Additionally, an editing feature, as well as the ability to use Markdown and colorized fenced code have been added. For some of the features implemented in this milestone I collaborated with Nick Draper, Jake Anderson, and Nick Becker.
I have included generic faux-entries in my mockups. These mockups help me to see what the ultimate product will look like.
###Collaborators Nick Draper, Nick Becker, Jake Anderson
Create a Repository in GitHub called learning-journal. The repository should have a README.md file and a standard Python .gitignore file. Clone the repository to your development machine. In the repository, create a new folder called mockups. In that folder, create four HTML files and a CSS stylesheet with the following specifications:
- The first should be a home page that shows a list of journal entries with just the title and date created.
- The second should be a detail page that shows a single entry. The title, text and created date should be displayed on this page.
- The third should be an HTML form page you will use to create a new entry. The title and text of the entry should be inputs in this form, empty at first.
- The fourth should be an HTML form page you will use to edit an existing entry. The title and text of the entry should be inputs in this form as well, pre-populated with the text from an entry.
- Each entry in the list on the home page should have a link that leads to the detail page.
- The home page should also have a UI element that allows you to start to create a new entry. It should like to the create form page.
- The detail page should have a UI element that allows editing the entry. It should link to the edit form page.
- There should be a UI element that leads back to the home page from anywhere in the site.