A project to determine Wine Quality.
- [The App] (https://hakuna-moscato.ue.r.appspot.com)
Tableau Links
- Using data scraped from Global Wine Score API as well as a dataset from Kaggle, the goal of this project is to determine what factors affect wine quality, including country of origin, price, color, and vintage.
- Visualization includes a Python Flask-powered API, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and an SQL database.
- In addition to the above, we utilized: Heroku, Bootstrap, Plotly, Leaflet and D3
- Powered by a dataset with over 200000 records
- Includes user-driven interaction
- Personal Tableau Visualization
- Python
- Jupyter Notebook
- Heroku
- Google Cloud App
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Leaflet
- D3
- Plotly
- Cameron Farquhar
- Jared Nieves
- Jimmy White
- Kurt Dietrich
- Beth Myers
- Yuri Groza