The Gasket driver framework and Apex driver are kmods required to support Coral (Google) Edge TPUs. These drivers landed in the 4.19 kernel. Google also publishes dkms packages for Debian-ish distros. Unfortunately that doesn't help non-Debian-ish users running kernels older 4.19.
This is an RPM/DKMS package for EL7 (and maybe EL8) distros based on the in-tree gasket driver (from kernel 5.4.67). Newer kernel versions (>=5.5) have breaking changes that require more work to backport to EL7 / 3.10. "PRs welcome."
Releases from this repo are built/hosted on Fedora Copr. Currently, only EL7 builds are available.
To enable the repo:
# yum copr enable jyundt/gasket-dkms
To install the package after enabling the repo:
# yum install gasket-dkms
Warning: I am not a kernel developer, I rarely build RPMs and I generally don't know what I'm doing. Use this package at your own risk.