Create an online multiplayer bs bingo game. Easy to generate a board with multiple phrases/words and share with any number of people to join an online session. With the winner being announced to everyone currently playing.
wip video here:
In order to run smoothly the following enviroment variables need to be supplied.
IP / PORT : not required.
HASHSECRET : required (long string).
DATABASEURL : required (mongodb uri).
TOKENSECRET : required (long string).
ADMINPASSWORD : required (long string).
NODE_ENV : not required, will default to debug.
Server options are loaded from a folder depending on the node_env (Test/Debug/Production) found here: app_base_user_server/config/{ node_env profile }
options available:
string.min_size : string min size for user input.
string.max_size : string max size for user input.
role.guest : string role match.
role.user : string role match.
role.admin : string role match.
file.max_size : file upload size.
jsonSpaces : json cfg.
port: n/a.
ip: n/a.
rate.time : rate limiting time duration.
rate.max : rate limiting allowed attempts.
db : databse uri.
hash.strength : bcrypt salt strength.
token.secret : string to hash with.
token.expiry : token expire date.
Validation middleware options available:
user.validate.create : Requires Name, Email and Password are supplied.
user.validate.login : Requires Email and Password are supplied. : Sanitizes the name string. : Sanitizes the email string.
user.validate.password : Sanitizes the password string.
All requests to a secured end point will go through a JWT middleware token.check
. If an invalid or missing token is recieved a error message will be returned in a json response.
Example Request Header:
Authorization : Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1Y…EzNX0.EvrI6zeEwcmunonqt1ocPw-dzyoY-ZCUOqsLoPC1FDU
On successfull authorization the payload of the JWT will be available from request.body.token.clean
or the raw string at request.body.token.raw
All failed tokens are added to a token blacklist in the database. Every time a user logs out or updates user details their current token is also added to the token blacklist. Tokens are removed from the blacklist once they have expired by date.