Why? If new master added to esp, dialogueview form ids are changed, this breaks your pretty dialogue view. This tool fixes broken dialogueview if masters added/removed to esp. Automatization of this process
- Then esp masters amount changed, count them and convert decimal count into haxadecimal (10 -> 0a, 32 -> 20)
- Run script with one argument of new count in hex from any location:
python(3) dilogueview_fixer.py [new masters count in hex]
- Chose folder with your dialogue view files.
- Wait until it finished working.
This script provided as-is. This scripts will process ALL files in folder, so make sure your mod is stored in a dedicated folder. Although it will not delete any files, just create new ones near old, old files might be deleted. CHECK IF EVERYTHING ALRIGHT BEFORE DELETING ANYTHING.