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k13gomez committed May 19, 2024
2 parents 0854469 + 327eef5 commit 0d6a8ae
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Showing 6 changed files with 78 additions and 76 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ figwheel_server.log
22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -75,38 +75,44 @@ This is a history of changes to k13labs/clara-rules.

This is a history of changes to clara-rules prior to forking to k13labs/clara-rules.

# 0.23.0
### 0.24.0
* uplift to cljs 1.11.132
* uplift to clj 1.11.2
* remove atom usage in LHS functions
* remove redundant TestNode evaluations

### 0.23.0
* extract clara.rules.compiler/compile-test-handler from clara.rules.compiler/compile-test
* add support for `env` inside of test expressions
* use `.clj_kondo` extension for clj-kondo hook code for better tool compatibility (clj-kondo support now requires clj-kondo 2022.04.25 or higher)
* Include the invalid constraint in the exception thrown at session compilation time when negations have multiple children. See [Issue 284](

# 0.22.1
### 0.22.1
* fix incorrent lint warning triggered when this binding is not used in clj-kondo hooks

# 0.22.0
### 0.22.0
* add built-in clj-kondo support for clara-rules as hooks. Importing should be automatic if using clojure-lsp; for detailed instructions see clj-kondo's documentation on [how to import clj-kondo configuration](
* use correct arity calling `->RuleOrderedActivation` constructor during serialization if clara session; this change should have the same effective behavior as before.

# 0.21.2
### 0.21.2
* Try and catch TestNode expression evaluation so that exceptions thrown are re-thrown wrapped in a condition exception which includes production name and bindings information. See [PR 471](

# 0.21.1
### 0.21.1
* Add support to specify query binding arguments as symbols instead of only keywords so that defquery syntax looks closer to function definition syntax. See [PR 463](

# 0.21.0
### 0.21.0
* Add names to anonymous functions generated by rule compilation; these names will be in the class names of the generated objects. [Issue 261]( and [issue 291](
* Add types information to alpha nodes. [Issue 237](
* Fix a bug related to Java object facts with IndexedPropertyDescriptor fields. [Issue 446](
* Validate that parameters provided to queries exist on the query at compilation and throw an exception if queries on a session don't specify the required parameters. [Issue 454](
* Add an optional listener that reports suspected infinite loops of rules. [Issue 275](

# 0.20.0
### 0.20.0
* Add a flag to omit compilation context (used by the durability layer) after Session compilation to save space when not needed. Defaults to true. [issue 422](
* Correct duplicate bindings within the same condition. See [issue 417](
* Correct sharing of nodes with different parents. See [issue 433](

# 0.19.1
### 0.19.1
* Added a new field to the clara.rules.engine/Accumulator record. This could be a breaking change for any user durability implementations with low-level performance optimizations. See [PR 410]( for details.
* Performance improvements for :exists conditions. See [issue 298](
* Decrease memory usage post deserialization (Durability). See [Issue 419](
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105 changes: 49 additions & 56 deletions src/main/clojure/clara/rules/compiler.clj
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([exp-seq equality-only-variables]

(if (empty? exp-seq)
`(deref ~'?__bindings__)
(let [[exp & rest-exp] exp-seq
variables (into #{}
(filter (fn [item]
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;; First assign each value in a let, so it is visible to subsequent expressions.
`(let [~@(for [variable variables
let-expression [variable (first expression-values)]]

;; Update the bindings produced by this expression.
~@(for [variable variables]
`(swap! ~'?__bindings__ assoc ~(keyword variable) ~variable))
;; Update the bindings produced by this expression.
;; intentional shadowing here of the ?__bindings__ variable with each newly
;; bound variables associated.
~'?__bindings__ (assoc ~'?__bindings__ ~@(mapcat (juxt keyword identity) variables))]

;; If there is more than one expression value, we need to ensure they are
;; equal as well as doing the bind. This ensures that value-1 and value-2 are
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`(fn ~fn-name [~(add-meta '?__fact__ type)
(let [~@assignments
~'?__bindings__ (atom ~initial-bindings)]
~'?__bindings__ ~initial-bindings]
~(compile-constraints constraints)))))

(defn build-token-assignment
"A helper function to build variable assignment forms for tokens."
(list (symbol (name binding-key))
(list `-> '?__token__ :bindings binding-key)))

(defn compile-test-handler [node-id constraints env]
(let [binding-keys (variables-as-keywords constraints)
assignments (mapcat build-token-assignment binding-keys)

;; The destructured environment, if any
destructured-env (if (> (count env) 0)
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;; Hardcoding the node-type and fn-type as we would only ever expect 'compile-test' to be used for this scenario
fn-name (mk-node-fn-name "TestNode" node-id "TE")]
`(fn ~fn-name [~'?__token__ ~destructured-env]
(let [~@assignments]
(and ~@constraints)))))
;; exceedingly unlikely that we'd have a test node without bound variables to be tested,
;; however since the contract is that of arbitrary clojure there is nothing preventing users
;; from defining tests that look outside the Session here. In such event, those without bound variables,
;; we can avoid the bindings entirely.
~(if (seq binding-keys)
`(let [{:keys [~@(map (comp symbol name) binding-keys)]} (:bindings ~'?__token__)]
(and ~@constraints))
`(and ~@constraints)))))

(defn compile-test [node-id constraints env]
(let [test-handler (compile-test-handler node-id constraints env)]
`(array-map :handler ~test-handler
:constraints '~constraints)))
(compile-test-handler node-id constraints env))

(defn compile-action-handler
[action-name bindings-keys rhs env]
[action-name binding-keys rhs env]
(let [;; Avoid creating let bindings in the compile code that aren't actually used in the body.
;; The bindings only exist in the scope of the RHS body, not in any code called by it,
;; so this scanning strategy will detect all possible uses of binding variables in the RHS.
;; Note that some strategies with macros could introduce bindings, but these aren't something
;; we're trying to support. If necessary a user could macroexpand their RHS code manually before
;; providing it to Clara.
rhs-bindings-used (variables-as-keywords rhs)

assignments (sequence
(filter rhs-bindings-used)
(mapcat build-token-assignment))
token-binding-keys (sequence
(filter rhs-bindings-used)

;; The destructured environment, if any.
destructured-env (if (> (count env) 0)
{:keys (mapv (comp symbol name) (keys env))}
{:keys (mapv #(symbol (name %)) (keys env))}
`(fn ~action-name
[~'?__token__ ~destructured-env]
(let [~@assignments]
`(fn ~action-name [~'?__token__ ~destructured-env]
;; similar to test nodes, nothing in the contract of an RHS enforces that bound variables must be used.
;; similarly we will not bind anything in this event, and thus the let block would be superfluous.
~(if (seq token-binding-keys)
`(let [{:keys [~@(map (comp symbol name) token-binding-keys)]} (:bindings ~'?__token__)]

(defn compile-action
"Compile the right-hand-side action of a rule, returning a function to execute it."
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(defn compile-join-filter
"Compiles to a predicate function that ensures the given items can be unified. Returns a ready-to-eval
function that accepts the following:
function that accepts the following:
* a token from the parent node
* the fact
* a map of bindings from the fact, which was typically computed on the alpha side
* an environment
* a token from the parent node
* the fact
* a map of bindings from the fact, which was typically computed on the alpha side
* an environment
The function created here returns truthy if the given fact satisfies the criteria."
The function created here returns truthy if the given fact satisfies the criteria."
[node-id node-type {:keys [type constraints args] :as unification-condition} ancestor-bindings element-bindings env]
(let [accessors (field-name->accessors-used type constraints)

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;; created element bindings for this condition removed.
token-binding-keys (remove element-bindings (variables-as-keywords constraints))

token-assignments (mapcat build-token-assignment token-binding-keys)

new-binding-assignments (mapcat #(list (symbol (name %))
(list 'get '?__element-bindings__ %))

assignments (concat

equality-only-variables (into #{} (for [binding ancestor-bindings]
(symbol (name (keyword binding)))))

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~(add-meta '?__fact__ type)
(let [~@assignments
~'?__bindings__ (atom {})]
(let [~@fact-assignments
;; We should always have some form of bound variables here, however in the event that we ever didn't
;; there would be no need to generate non-existent bindings.
~@(when (seq element-bindings)
[{:keys (mapv (comp symbol name) element-bindings)} '?__element-bindings__])
~@(when (seq token-binding-keys)
[{:keys (mapv (comp symbol name) token-binding-keys)} (list :bindings '?__token__)])
~'?__bindings__ {}]
~(compile-constraints constraints equality-only-variables)))))

(defn- expr-type [expression]
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(sc/defn ^:private compile-node
"Compiles a given node description into a node usable in the network with the
given children."
given children."
[beta-node :- (sc/conditional
(comp #{:production :query} :node-type) schema/ProductionNode
:else schema/ConditionNode)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1677,6 +1669,7 @@
(:constraints condition)
(compiled-expr-fn id :test-expr)

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(if (:join-filter-expressions beta-node)
;; Create an accumulator structure for use when examining the node or the tokens
;; it produces.
;; Create an accumulator structure for use when examining the node or the tokens
;; it produces.
{:accumulator (:accumulator beta-node)
;; Include the original filter expressions in the constraints for inspection tooling.
;; Include the original filter expressions in the constraints for inspection tooling.
:from (update-in condition [:constraints]
into (-> beta-node :join-filter-expressions :constraints))}
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;; All unification is based on equality, so just use the simple accumulate node.
;; Create an accumulator structure for use when examining the node or the tokens
;; it produces.
;; Create an accumulator structure for use when examining the node or the tokens
;; it produces.
{:accumulator (:accumulator beta-node)
:from condition}
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/main/clojure/clara/rules/engine.clj
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Expand Up @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@
;; The test node represents a Rete extension in which an arbitrary test condition is run
;; against bindings from ancestor nodes. Since this node
;; performs no joins it does not accept right activations or retractions.
(defrecord TestNode [id env test children]
(defrecord TestNode [id env constraints test children]
(left-activate [node join-bindings tokens memory transport listener]
(l/left-activate! listener node tokens)
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[token tokens]
(test-node-match->Token node (:handler test) env token))))
(test-node-match->Token node test env token))))

(left-retract [node join-bindings tokens memory transport listener]
(l/left-retract! listener node tokens)
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(get-condition-description [this]
(into [:test] (:constraints test))))
(into [:test] constraints)))

(defn- do-accumulate
"Runs the actual accumulation. Returns the accumulated value."
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18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions src/main/clojure/clara/tools/testing_utils.clj
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Expand Up @@ -71,11 +71,9 @@
[node-id binding-keys rhs env]
(let [rhs-bindings-used (com/variables-as-keywords rhs)

assignments (sequence
(filter rhs-bindings-used)
(mapcat com/build-token-assignment))
token-binding-keys (sequence
(filter rhs-bindings-used)

;; The destructured environment, if any.
destructured-env (if (> (count env) 0)
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;; Hardcoding the node-type and fn-type as we would only ever expect 'compile-action' to be used for this scenario
fn-name (com/mk-node-fn-name "ProductionNode" node-id "AE")]
`(fn ~fn-name [~'?__token__ ~destructured-env]
`(fn ~fn-name [~'?__token__ ~destructured-env]
;; similar to test nodes, nothing in the contract of an RHS enforces that bound variables must be used.
;; similarly we will not bind anything in this event, and thus the let block would be superfluous.
(let [~@assignments]
~(if (seq token-binding-keys)
`(let [{:keys [~@(map (comp symbol name) token-binding-keys)]} (:bindings ~'?__token__)]

(defn test-fire-rules-async
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/test/clojure/clara/test_compiler.clj
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(let [get-node-fns (fn [node]
(condp instance? node
AlphaNode [(:activation node)]
TestNode [(-> node :test :handler)]
TestNode [(:test node)]
AccumulateNode []
AccumulateWithJoinFilterNode [(:join-filter-fn node)]
ProductionNode [(:rhs node)]
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