Just simple project that I code to help one of my friend research final project.
- requests
- bs4
- pandas
In Mac or Linux you can install it on terminal like this, "sudo pip install requests" or "sudo pip3 install requests". In Windows? I don't know. Maybe it same but, I don't really trust Windows when it't come to Python.
- Install the package
- Run the project, "python (file_name).py" or "python3 (file_name).py"
- Copy some Tripadvisor Hotel link and paste to the app. (*example: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g14782503-d3737584-Reviews-Hotel_Tentrem_Yogyakarta-Yogyakarta_Yogyakarta_Region_Java.html)
- Type the name of csv that will export to the same folder as the app
- Wait till it show "Mission Complete"
- Just Crtl + C or close the terminal.
- Yeah that's all.
I dont think my code was efficient or somehitng. I just doing something that "It just work".