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optimize RemotePactTest and add new invalid tx test
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This test is optimized by sharing the TLS cert and HTTP manager
between tests. Otherwise the rest of the testing fixture is *not*

This PR also adds some tasty steps to a few tests, which makes it
clearer what they're spending their time on.

There's one extra invalid tx test as well, testing the error from
sending to the wrong chain.
  • Loading branch information
edmundnoble committed Dec 20, 2024
1 parent d065476 commit 0f68569
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Showing 2 changed files with 49 additions and 33 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact5/CutFixture.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ advanceAllChains Fixture{..} = do
let blockHeights = fmap (view blockHeight) $ latestCut ^. cutMap
let latestBlockHeight = maximum blockHeights

-- TODO: rejig this to do parallel mining.
(finalCut, perChainCommandResults) <- foldM
(\ (prevCut, !acc) cid -> do
(newCut, _minedChain, pwo) <-
Expand Down
81 changes: 48 additions & 33 deletions test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact5/RemotePactTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module Chainweb.Test.Pact5.RemotePactTest
) where

import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
Expand All @@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T
import GHC.Stack
import Network.Connection qualified as HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS qualified as HTTP
import Network.Socket qualified as Network
import Network.TLS qualified as TLS
Expand All @@ -61,8 +63,9 @@ import Network.X509.SelfSigned
import PropertyMatchers ((?))
import PropertyMatchers qualified as P
import Servant.Client
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase, testCaseSteps)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCaseSteps)

import Pact.Core.Capabilities
import Pact.Core.Command.RPC (ContMsg (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ import Chainweb.Test.Pact5.CmdBuilder
import Chainweb.Test.Pact5.CutFixture qualified as CutFixture
import Chainweb.Test.Pact5.Utils
import Chainweb.Test.TestVersions
import Chainweb.Test.Utils (TestPact5CommandResult, deadbeef)
import Chainweb.Test.Utils (TestPact5CommandResult, deadbeef, withResource')
import Chainweb.Utils
import Chainweb.Version
import Chainweb.WebPactExecutionService
Expand All @@ -105,6 +108,8 @@ data Fixture = Fixture
makeLenses ''Fixture

type Step = String -> IO ()

mkFixture :: ChainwebVersion -> RocksDb -> ResourceT IO Fixture
mkFixture v baseRdb = do
fixture <- CutFixture.mkFixture v testPactServiceConfig baseRdb
Expand All @@ -120,8 +125,6 @@ mkFixture v baseRdb = do
let cutGetServer = someCutGetServer v (fixture ^. CutFixture.fixtureCutDb)
let app = someServerApplication (pactServer <> cutGetServer)

(_fingerprint, cert, key) <- liftIO $ generateLocalhostCertificate @RsaCert 1

-- Run pact server API
(port, socket) <- snd <$> allocate W.openFreePort (Network.close . snd)
_ <- allocate
Expand All @@ -130,10 +133,7 @@ mkFixture v baseRdb = do

serviceClientEnv <- liftIO $ do
let defaultTLSSettings = (HTTP.TLSSettingsSimple True False False TLS.defaultSupported)
httpManager <- HTTP.newTlsManagerWith (HTTP.mkManagerSettings defaultTLSSettings Nothing)
return $ mkClientEnv httpManager $ BaseUrl
let serviceClientEnv = mkClientEnv httpManager $ BaseUrl
{ baseUrlScheme = Https
, baseUrlHost = ""
, baseUrlPort = port
Expand All @@ -145,17 +145,29 @@ mkFixture v baseRdb = do
, _serviceClientEnv = serviceClientEnv

-- generating this cert and making an HTTP manager take quite a while relative
-- to the rest of the tests, so they're shared globally.
-- there's no apparent reason to ever switch them out, either.
cert :: X509CertPem
key :: X509KeyPem
(_, cert, key) = unsafePerformIO $ generateLocalhostCertificate @RsaCert 1
defaultTLSSettings :: HTTP.TLSSettings
defaultTLSSettings = (HTTP.TLSSettingsSimple True False False TLS.defaultSupported)
httpManager :: Manager
httpManager = unsafePerformIO $ HTTP.newTlsManagerWith (HTTP.mkManagerSettings defaultTLSSettings Nothing)

tests :: RocksDb -> TestTree
tests rdb = testGroup "Pact5 RemotePactTest"
[ testCase "pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest" (pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest rdb)
, testCase "pollingConfirmationDepthTest" (pollingConfirmationDepthTest rdb)
, testCase "spvTest" (spvTest rdb)
, testCase "invalidTxsTest" (invalidTxsTest rdb)
, testCaseSteps "caplistTest" (caplistTest rdb)

pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest :: RocksDb -> IO ()
pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
tests rdb = withResource' (evaluate httpManager >> evaluate cert) $ \_ ->
testGroup "Pact5 RemotePactTest"
[ testCaseSteps "pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest" (pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest rdb)
, testCaseSteps "pollingConfirmationDepthTest" (pollingConfirmationDepthTest rdb)
, testCaseSteps "spvTest" (spvTest rdb)
, testCaseSteps "invalidTxsTest" (invalidTxsTest rdb)
, testCaseSteps "caplistTest" (caplistTest rdb)

pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest :: RocksDb -> Step -> IO ()
pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest baseRdb _step = runResourceT $ do
let v = pact5InstantCpmTestVersion singletonChainGraph
let cid = unsafeChainId 0
fixture <- mkFixture v baseRdb
Expand All @@ -165,8 +177,8 @@ pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
pollResult <- polling v cid clientEnv (NE.singleton pactDeadBeef)
assertEqual "invalid poll should return no results" pollResult HashMap.empty

pollingConfirmationDepthTest :: RocksDb -> IO ()
pollingConfirmationDepthTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
pollingConfirmationDepthTest :: RocksDb -> Step -> IO ()
pollingConfirmationDepthTest baseRdb _step = runResourceT $ do
let v = pact5InstantCpmTestVersion singletonChainGraph
let cid = unsafeChainId 0
fixture <- mkFixture v baseRdb
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,8 +252,8 @@ pollingConfirmationDepthTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do

return ()

spvTest :: RocksDb -> IO ()
spvTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
spvTest :: RocksDb -> Step -> IO ()
spvTest baseRdb step = runResourceT $ do
let v = pact5InstantCpmTestVersion petersonChainGraph
fixture <- mkFixture v baseRdb
let clientEnv = fixture ^. serviceClientEnv
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,11 +281,13 @@ spvTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
$ set cbGasLimit (GasLimit (Gas 1_000))
$ defaultCmd

step "xchain send"
sendReqKey <- fmap NE.head $ sending v srcChain clientEnv (NE.singleton send)
(sendCut, _) <- CutFixture.advanceAllChains (fixture ^. cutFixture)
sendCr <- fmap (HashMap.! sendReqKey) $ pollingWithDepth v srcChain clientEnv (NE.singleton sendReqKey) (Just (ConfirmationDepth 0))
let cont = fromMaybe (error "missing continuation") (_crContinuation sendCr)

step "waiting"
_ <- replicateM_ 10 $ do
CutFixture.advanceAllChains (fixture ^. cutFixture)
let sendHeight = sendCut ^?! ixg srcChain . blockHeight
Expand All @@ -285,6 +299,7 @@ spvTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
, _cmData = PUnit
, _cmProof = Just (ContProof (B64U.encode (BL.toStrict (A.encode spvProof))))
step "xchain recv"

recv <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbSigners
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,10 +339,10 @@ fails p actual = try actual >>= \case
Left e -> p e
_ -> "a failed computation" actual

invalidTxsTest :: RocksDb -> IO ()
invalidTxsTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
invalidTxsTest :: RocksDb -> Step -> IO ()
invalidTxsTest rdb _step = runResourceT $ do
let v = pact5InstantCpmTestVersion petersonChainGraph
fixture <- mkFixture v baseRdb
fixture <- mkFixture v rdb
let clientEnv = fixture ^. serviceClientEnv

let cid = unsafeChainId 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,19 +427,19 @@ invalidTxsTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
sending v cid clientEnv (NE.fromList [cmdGood, cmdInvalidUserSig])
& fails ? assertExnContains (validationFailedPrefix cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs")

caplistTest :: RocksDb -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
caplistTest baseRdb step = runResourceT $ do
let testCaseStep m = liftIO (step m)
sending v (unsafeChainId 4) clientEnv (NE.fromList [cmdGood])
& fails ? assertExnContains
(validationFailedPrefix cmdGood <> "Transaction metadata (chain id, chainweb version) conflicts with this endpoint")

testCaseStep "setting up"
caplistTest :: RocksDb -> Step -> IO ()
caplistTest baseRdb step = runResourceT $ do
let v = pact5InstantCpmTestVersion petersonChainGraph
fixture <- mkFixture v baseRdb
let clientEnv = fixture ^. serviceClientEnv

let cid = unsafeChainId 0

liftIO $ do

tx0 <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbSigners
[ mkEd25519Signer' sender00
Expand All @@ -440,15 +455,15 @@ caplistTest baseRdb step = runResourceT $ do
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(coin.transfer \"sender00\" \"sender01\" 100.0)" PUnit)
$ defaultCmd

testCaseStep "sending"
step "sending"

recvReqKey <- fmap NE.head $ sending v cid clientEnv (NE.fromList [tx0])

testCaseStep "advancing chains"
step "advancing chains"

CutFixture.advanceAllChains_ (fixture ^. cutFixture)

testCaseStep "polling"
step "polling"

polling v cid clientEnv (NE.fromList [recvReqKey]) >>=
P.propful ? HashMap.singleton recvReqKey ?
Expand Down

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