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edmundnoble committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent ab1788c commit 809028b
Showing 1 changed file with 149 additions and 6 deletions.
155 changes: 149 additions & 6 deletions test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact5/RemotePactTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Pact.Core.SPV
import Data.ByteString.Base64.URL qualified as B64U
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.Aeson.Lens qualified as A
import Pact.Core.Command.RPC (ContMsg(..))
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import Chainweb.SPV.CreateProof (createTransactionOutputProof_)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,10 +65,8 @@ import Chainweb.Test.Utils (deadbeef, TestPact5CommandResult)
import Chainweb.Utils
import Chainweb.Version
import Chainweb.WebPactExecutionService
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (Exception, AsyncException(..))
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, runResourceT, allocate)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
Expand All @@ -87,8 +86,10 @@ import PropertyMatchers ((?))
import PropertyMatchers qualified as P
import Servant.Client
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase, testCaseSteps)
import qualified Pact.Types.Command as Pact4
import Data.String (fromString)
import Control.Concurrent.Async

data Fixture = Fixture
{ _cutFixture :: CutFixture.Fixture
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,10 +117,10 @@ mkFixture v baseRdb = do
-- Run pact server API
(port, socket) <- snd <$> allocate W.openFreePort (Network.close . snd)
_ <- allocate
(forkIO $ do
(async $ do
W.runTLSSocket (tlsServerSettings cert key) W.defaultSettings socket app
(\tid -> throwTo tid ThreadKilled)

serviceClientEnv <- liftIO $ do
let defaultTLSSettings = (HTTP.TLSSettingsSimple True False False TLS.defaultSupported)
Expand All @@ -141,6 +142,8 @@ tests rdb = testGroup "Pact5 RemotePactTest"
[ testCase "pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest" (pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest rdb)
, testCase "pollingConfirmationDepthTest" (pollingConfirmationDepthTest rdb)
, testCase "spvTest" (spvTest rdb)
, testCase "invalidTxsTest" (invalidTxsTest rdb)
, testCaseSteps "caplistTest" (caplistTest rdb)

pollingInvalidRequestKeyTest :: RocksDb -> IO ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,6 +288,145 @@ spvTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do

pure ()

fails :: Exception e => P.Prop e -> P.Prop (IO a)
fails p actual = try actual >>= \case
Left e -> p e
_ -> "a failed computation" actual

invalidTxsTest :: RocksDb -> IO ()
invalidTxsTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
let v = pact5InstantCpmTestVersion petersonChainGraph
fixture <- mkFixture v baseRdb
let clientEnv = fixture ^. serviceClientEnv

let cid = unsafeChainId 0

let assertExnContains expectedErrStr (SendingException actualErrStr)
| expectedErrStr `List.isInfixOf` actualErrStr = P.succeed actualErrStr
| otherwise = ("Error containing: " <> fromString expectedErrStr) actualErrStr

let validationFailedPrefix cmd = "Validation failed for hash " <> sshow (_cmdHash cmd) <> ": "

liftIO $ do
cmdParseFailure <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbChainId cid
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(+ 1" PUnit)
$ defaultCmd
sending v cid clientEnv (NE.singleton cmdParseFailure)
& fails ? assertExnContains "Pact parse error"

cmdInvalidPayloadHash <- do
bareCmd <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbChainId cid
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(+ 1 2)" (mkKeySetData "sender00" [sender00]))
$ defaultCmd
pure $ bareCmd
{ _cmdHash = Pact5.hash "fakehash"
sending v cid clientEnv (NE.singleton cmdInvalidPayloadHash)
& fails ? assertExnContains (validationFailedPrefix cmdInvalidPayloadHash <> "Invalid transaction hash")

cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1 <- do
bareCmd <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbSigners [mkEd25519Signer' sender00 []]
$ set cbChainId cid
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(+ 1 2)" (mkKeySetData "sender00" [sender00]))
$ defaultCmd
pure $ bareCmd
{ _cmdSigs = []
sending v cid clientEnv (NE.singleton cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1)
& fails ? assertExnContains (validationFailedPrefix cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1 <> "Invalid transaction sigs")

cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2 <- liftIO $ do
bareCmd <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbSigners []
$ set cbChainId cid
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(+ 1 2)" (mkKeySetData "sender00" [sender00]))
$ defaultCmd
pure $ bareCmd
{ -- This is an invalid ED25519 signature, but length signers == length signatures is checked first
_cmdSigs = [ED25519Sig "fakeSig"]
sending v cid clientEnv (NE.singleton cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2)
& fails ? assertExnContains (validationFailedPrefix cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2 <> "Invalid transaction sigs")

cmdInvalidUserSig <- liftIO $ do
bareCmd <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbSigners [mkEd25519Signer' sender00 []]
$ set cbChainId cid
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(+ 1 2)" (mkKeySetData "sender00" [sender00]))
$ defaultCmd
pure $ bareCmd
{ _cmdSigs = [ED25519Sig "fakeSig"]

sending v cid clientEnv (NE.singleton cmdInvalidUserSig)
& fails ? assertExnContains (validationFailedPrefix cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs")

cmdGood <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbSigners [mkEd25519Signer' sender00 []]
$ set cbChainId cid
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(+ 1 2)" (mkKeySetData "sender00" [sender00]))
$ defaultCmd
-- Test that [badCmd, goodCmd] fails on badCmd, and the batch is rejected.
-- We just re-use a previously built bad cmd.
sending v cid clientEnv (NE.fromList [cmdInvalidUserSig, cmdGood])
& fails ? assertExnContains (validationFailedPrefix cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs")
-- Test that [goodCmd, badCmd] fails on badCmd, and the batch is rejected.
-- Order matters, and the error message also indicates the position of the
-- failing tx.
-- We just re-use a previously built bad cmd.
sending v cid clientEnv (NE.fromList [cmdGood, cmdInvalidUserSig])
& fails ? assertExnContains (validationFailedPrefix cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs")

caplistTest :: RocksDb -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
caplistTest baseRdb step = runResourceT $ do
let testCaseStep m = liftIO (step m)

testCaseStep "setting up"
let v = pact5InstantCpmTestVersion petersonChainGraph
fixture <- mkFixture v baseRdb
let clientEnv = fixture ^. serviceClientEnv

let cid = unsafeChainId 0

liftIO $ do

tx0 <- buildTextCmd v
$ set cbSigners
[ mkEd25519Signer' sender00
[ CapToken (QualifiedName "GAS" (ModuleName "coin" Nothing)) []
, CapToken (QualifiedName "TRANSFER" (ModuleName "coin" Nothing))
[ PString "sender00"
, PString "sender01"
, PDecimal 100.0
$ set cbChainId cid
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(coin.transfer \"sender00\" \"sender01\" 100.0)" PUnit)
$ defaultCmd

testCaseStep "sending"

recvReqKey <- fmap NE.head $ sending v cid clientEnv (NE.fromList [tx0])

testCaseStep "advancing chains"

CutFixture.advanceAllChains_ (fixture ^. cutFixture)

testCaseStep "polling"

polling v cid clientEnv (NE.fromList [recvReqKey]) >>=
P.propful ? HashMap.singleton recvReqKey ?
[ _crResult ? P.match (_PactResultOk . _PString) ? P.equals "Write succeeded"
, _crMetaData ? P.match (_Just . A._Object . at "blockHash") ? P.match _Just P.succeed

recvPwos <- runCutWithTx v pacts targetMempoolRef blockDb $ \_n _bHeight _bHash bHeader -> do
buildCwCmd "transfer-crosschain" v
Expand All @@ -296,6 +438,7 @@ spvTest baseRdb = runResourceT $ do
$ set cbTTL 100
$ defaultCmd

spvTest :: Pact.TxCreationTime -> ClientEnv -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
spvTest t cenv step = do
Expand Down

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