All in one finance infrastructure as code, specific to an environment (Dev, QA, Stage, Prod, etc.)
Below are instructions on how to run the aiof-iac
terraform scripts
In order to run it locally, there must be an existing environment variable name TF_VAR_storage_account_access_key
. This is an access key and it references the remote storage of the terraform.tfstate
files. This state file exists per workspace (environment). The approach is used to keep it out of source control as it's a secret and used to access the storage account. In the current infrastructure, this is Azure storage account access key. Best practices for this will be to rotate the keys once in a month
terraform init -lock -backend-config="access_key=$env:TF_VAR_storage_account_access_key"
After the terraform init
command runs successfully, then you can proceed with running terraform plan
and subsequently terraform apply
(if needed)
terraform plan -lock=false -out=tfplan -input=false
terraform apply -lock=false tfplan
All documentation for this specific repository
Import is used to import existing infrastructure into the terraform state. More information on the command itself can be found here
terraform import -lock=false {Terraform Resource}.{Terraform Alias} {Azure Resource Id}
Module import is a little different
terraform import -lock=false module.{Module Name}.{Terraform Resource}.{Terraform Alias} {Azure Resource Id}
You can use terraform state rm
in the less common situation where you wish to remove a binding to an existing remote object without first destroying it, which will effectively make Terraform "forget" the object while it continues to exist in the remote system
terraform state rm -lock=false {Terraform Resource}.{Terraform Alias}
- azurerm_resource_group
- azurerm_network_security_group
- azurerm_network_security_rule
- azurerm_virtual_network
- azurerm_subnet
- azurerm_key_vault
- azurerm_application_insights
- azurerm_app_service_plan
- azurerm_app_service
- azurerm_container_registry
- jcorioland/tf-aks-kubenet - example of how Kubernetes is deployed to Azure
- Upgrading to Terraform v0.14
- Upgrading to Terraform v0.13
- Upgrade Guides
- Older versions of Terraform
- Backends
- Backends Data Source Configuration
- Workspaces
- GitHub Provider
Terraform undergoes a lot of versioning and new updates. In order to keep this updated, we can look at the latest release on their GitHub. The current version used is ~> 2.39.0
The sensitive variables for this are stored in a .tfvars
file locally. Currently, this is what's in there
subscription_id = ""
tenant_id = ""
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
location = "eastus"
environment = "dev"
db_admin_username = ""
db_admin_password = ""
db_admin_start_ip = ""
appsettings_auth_jwt_private_key_value = ""
appsettings_auth_jwt_public_key_value = ""
- Network security group
- Network security group rules
- DDOS protection plan
- Virtual network
- Subnet: backend
- PostgreSQL server
- PostgreSQL database
Container registry
- Azure Container Registry