A ⚡ Fast Crypto-Currency Bot For Fetching Real-time Charts, Market Prices and Network Statistics.
This section relates to the BitCoin Mining network. Halving is a phenomnon where the reward per block will be halved from 25 BitCoins to 12.5 Bitcoins.
Command | Description |
/halving | Returns number of blocks remaining to the "halving". |
/blocktime | Returns estimated time taken to mine a block. |
/blocksmined | Returns the number of blocks mined today. |
/hashrate | Returns estimated BTC network hash rate in GH/s. |
/difficulty | Returns the current BitCoin difficulty target. |
Command | Description |
/btcusd | Returns the current BitCoin market price in US Dollars. |
/btcgbp | Returns the current BitCoin market price in Sterling Pounds. |
/btcrub | Returns the current BitCoin market price in Russian Roubles. |
/btceur | Returns the current BitCoin market price in Euros. |
/btccny | Returns the current BitCoin market price in Chinese Yuan. |
/ltcusd | Returns the current LiteCoin market price in US Dollars. |
/ethusd | Returns the current Ethereum market price in US Dollars.[reply] |
The bot fetches charts in real-time every single time.The charts exhibit a line which is the BitCoin market price and Red/Green bars which indicate a +/- in the net volume traded on BitFinex, where volume is the amount of amount of bitcoin traded in either selling of it or buying.
Command | Description |
/chartdaily | Returns The Daily Trading Chart. |
/chartweekly | Returns The Weekly Trading Chart. |
/chartmonthly | Returns The Monthly Trading Chart. |
/chartquarterly | Returns The Quarterly Trading Chart. |
/chartyearly | Returns The Yearly Trading Chart. |
/chartalltime | Returns The All-Time Trading Chart. |
/charthashrate | Returns The Weekly Bit-Coin Network Statistics. |
- Real-Time Charts
- Real-Time Market Prices
- Real-Time Networks Statistics
- Fully Inline
- Add BTC transaction Details Command
- Add Block Details
- Add News Command
Copyright (C) 2016 Mohammed Sohail <kamikazechaser.github.io>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.