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OTP-Publisher is an application to create, send and validate OTP or One Time Password using SMS (Short Message Service) and email. OTP-Publisher uses the PHP language which is widely used to build web-based applications.

Message will be consumed by OTP-Pi. See OTP-Pi project on

Method Send SMS Send Email Block MSISDN Unblock MSISDN Create OTP Validate OTP
REST API âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“
RabbitMQ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“
Redis âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“
Mosquitto âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“
WebSocket âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“ âś“


Both WebSocket and Message Broker use a topic that can be configured from both sides (sender and receiver).

To use WebSocket, please use the WSMessageBrocker library with the link or you can create your own.

To use RabbitMQ, please open the link

To use Redis, please open the link

To use Mosquitto, please open the link

OTP-Pi Delivery

Scenario 1 - App Server Can Access OTP-Pi

In this scenario, the App Server can directly send the OTP to the OTP-Pi via HTTP.

OTP-Pi Topology Scenario 1

Users can use a cheap domain and use the Dynamic Domain Name System for free. With the use of port forwarding on the router, OTP-Pi can be accessed from anywhere using a domain or subdomain. In this scenario, the user needs:

  1. OTP-Pi
  2. Fixed internet connection with public IP (static or dynamic)
  3. Router that can do port forwarding
  4. Domains whose name servers can be set
  5. Dynamic DNS service (free or paid)

In this scenario, the application server can generate and validate the OTP sent for each transaction. OTP creation and validation requires the following parameters:


reference is unique transaction reference number. This number must be different from one transaction to another. This number is the key to validate the OTP.


receiver is the phone number or email address of the recipient.

param1, param2, param3, param4

These four parameters are additional information for validating the OTP. These four parameters must be the same between OTP creation and validation. Of course this parameter can be filled with empty strings. Information that can be used as this parameter is for example the sender's account number, the recipient's account number, the transaction amount (in string format), and so on.

OTP-Pi does not store the clear OTP but only stores the hash. In addition, the OTP-Pi immediately deletes the SMS sent immediately after. Thus, the OTP is very safe because it is only known by the recipient.


Create OTP Request

POST /api/otp HTTP/1.1
Host: sub.domain.tld
Connection: close
User-agent: KSPS
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 313
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

	"command": "request-otp",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"message": "Your OTP is %s",
		"reference": "12345678901234567890",
		"param1": "100000",
		"param2": "1234567890",
		"param3": "987654",
		"param4": "674527846556468254"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.message String Content format of the SMS. Note that the format must be contains one %s
data.reference String Reference ID of the transaction. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.param1 String Parameter 1. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.param2 String Parameter 2. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.param3 String Parameter 3. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.param4 String Parameter 4. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP

Create OTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Host: sub.domain.tld
Connection: close
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 199

	"command": "request-otp",
	"response_code": "000",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"reference": "12345678901234567890"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
response_code String Response Code
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.reference String Reference ID of the transaction. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP



require_once "OTPPi.php";

$url = "http://localhost:8899/api/otp";
$username = 'kamshory';
$password = 'kamshory';

 * Parameters to be sent on request OTP

$receiver = '0812661111';

// Reference number from the transaction (generated by your application)
$reference = md5(time());

$id = time();

// OTP life time (in second)
$lifetime = 30;

// OTP message format (must be contains one %s)
$messageFormat = 'Kode OTP Anda adalah %s';

// Subject (used if receiver is email address)
$subject = 'Kode OTP Anda';

// Additional data from the transaction (must be identic with validate OTP)
$params = array(

$otp = new OTPPi($url, $username, $password);
$resp1 = $otp->createOTP($receiver, $id, $reference, $lifetime, $messageFormat, $params, $subject);

$createResponse = json_decode($resp1, true);
echo "Create OTP : ".$createResponse['response_code']."<br>\r\n";


Validate OTP Request

POST /api/otp HTTP/1.1
Host: sub.domain.tld
Connection: close
User-agent: KSPS
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 274
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

	"command": "verify-otp",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"otp": "123456",
		"reference": "12345678901234567890",
		"param1": "100000",
		"param2": "1234567890",
		"param3": "987654",
		"param4": "674527846556468254"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.otp String Cleat OTP to be valieadted
data.reference String Reference ID of the transaction. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.param1 String Parameter 1. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.param2 String Parameter 2. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.param3 String Parameter 3. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.param4 String Parameter 4. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP

Validate OTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Host: sub.domain.tld
Connection: close
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 201

	"command": "verify-otp",
	"response_code": "000",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"reference": "12345678901234567890"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
response_code String Response Code
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.reference String Reference ID of the transaction. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP

require_once "OTPPi.php";

$url = "http://localhost:8899/api/otp";
$username = 'kamshory';
$password = 'kamshory';

 * Parameters to be sent on request OTP

$receiver = '0812661111';

// Reference number from the transaction (generated by your application)
$reference = md5(time());

// OTP life time (in second)
$lifetime = 30;

// OTP message format (must be contains one %s)
$messageFormat = 'Kode OTP Anda adalah %s';

// Subject (used if receiver is email address)
$subject = 'Kode OTP Anda';

// Additional data from the transaction (must be identic with validate OTP)
$params = array(

$otp = new OTPPi($url, $username, $password);
$resp1 = $otp->createOTP($receiver, $reference, $lifetime, $messageFormat, $params, $subject);

$createResponse = json_decode($resp1, true);
echo "Create OTP : ".$createResponse['response_code']."<br>\r\n";

Response Code List
SUCCESS              = "0000";
SERIAL_PORT_NULL     = "1000";
UNAUTHORIZED         = "1100";
FAILED               = "1102";


Send SMS Request

POST /api/sms HTTP/1.1
Host: sub.domain.tld
Connection: close
User-agent: KSPS
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 182
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

	"command": "send-sms",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.reference String Reference ID of the transaction. This value must match between Create OTP and Validate OTP
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.message String Content of the SMS

Send Email Request

POST /api/sms HTTP/1.1
Host: sub.domain.tld
Connection: close
User-agent: KSPS
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 222
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

	"command": "send-email",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "someone@domain.tld",
		"subject": "Your OTP Code",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String Recipient's email address
data.message String Content of the SMS

Block Number Request

POST /api/block HTTP/1.1
Host: sub.domain.tld
Connection: close
User-agent: KSPS
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 107
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

	"command": "block-msisdn",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.msisdn String MSISDN number to block

Unblock Number Request

POST /api/unblock HTTP/1.1
Host: sub.domain.tld
Connection: close
User-agent: KSPS
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 109
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

	"command": "unblock-msisdn",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to be unblocked

Scenario 2 - App Server Can't Access OTP-Pi

In this scenario, the App Server may send the OTP to RabbitMQ Server, Redis Server, Mosquitto Server or WSMessageBroker. WSMessageBroker uses the WebSoket protocol and Basic Authentication. Both App Server and OTP-Pi act as clients of WSMessageBroker.

In this scenario, the application cannot request the OTP-Pi to validate the previously sent OTP. Thus, the application must have its own OTP system. The application simply sends a message containing the OTP. The application must have a mechanism to validate the previously submitted OTP.

Another way is to use a separate OTP system from the application. It is this system that issues the OTP code so that it can validate the code if the application so desires.

App Server acts as publisher and OTP-Pi becomes consumer of RabbitMQ Server, Redis Server, Mosquitto Server and WSMessageBroker. Both must use the same topic so that all OTPs sent by the App Server can be received by the OTP-Pi.

OTP-Pi Topology Scenario 2

From the two scenarios above, the OTP-Pi will send SMS using a GSM modem that is physically attached to the OTP-Pi device. Users can use either RabbitMQ Server, Mosquitto Server or WSMessageBroker and can also use both at the same time. However, if the App Server sends the same OTP to RabbitMQ Server, Mosquitto Server and WSMessageBroker, the OTP-Pi will send the SMS twice to the recipient number.

In this scenario, the user does not need a public IP. Users only need:

  1. OTP-Pi
  2. Internet connection (no need for public IP and port forwarding)
  3. RabbitMQ, Mosquitto or WSMessageBroker servers

1. RabbitMQ

Send SMS Request

	"command": "send-sms",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.message String Content of the SMS

Send Email Request

	"command": "send-email",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "someone@domain.tld",
		"subject": "Your OTP Code",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String Recipient's email address
data.message String Content of the SMS

Block Number Request

	"command": "block-msisdn",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to block

Unblock Number Request

	"command": "unblock-msisdn",
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to be unblocked

2. Redis

Send SMS Request

	"command": "send-sms",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.message String Content of the SMS

Send Email Request

	"command": "send-email",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "someone@domain.tld",
		"subject": "Your OTP Code",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String Recipient's email address
data.message String Content of the SMS

Block Number Request

	"command": "block-msisdn",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to block

Unblock Number Request

	"command": "unblock-msisdn",
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to be unblocked

3. Mosquitto

Send SMS Request

	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.message String Content of the SMS

Send Email Request

	"command": "send-email",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "someone@domain.tld",
		"subject": "Your OTP Code",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String Recipient's email address
data.message String Content of the SMS

Block Number Request

	"command": "block-msisdn",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to block

Unblock Number Request

	"command": "unblock-msisdn",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to be unblocked

4. WSMessageBroker

Send SMS Request

	"command": "send-sms",
	"data": {	
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String MSISDN of the receiver
data.message String Content of the SMS

Send Email Request

	"command": "send-email",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"expiration": 1629685838,
		"id": 123456,
		"receiver": "someone@domain.tld",
		"subject": "Your OTP Code",
		"message": "Your OTP is 1234"
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications String SMS ID
data.receiver String Recipient's email address
data.message String Content of the SMS

Block Number Request

	"command": "block-msisdn",
	"data": {
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to block

Unblock Number Request


	"command": "unblock-msisdn",
		"date_time": 1629685778,
		"receiver": "08126666666",
Parameter Type Description
command String Command for OTP-Pi
data Object Data for OTP-Pi
data.date_time Number Unix Time Stamp when the message is transmitted by the applications
data.receiver String MSISDN number to be unblocked

The WSMessageBroker-based server uses the WebSocket protocol. Please download WSMessageBroker at


The handshake between OTP-Pi and WSMessageBroker is as follows:

  1. OTP-Pi as client and WSMessageBroker as server
  2. OTP-Pi sends request to WSMessageBroker

WebSocket Subscriber Configuration Example

Parameter Value
Host domain.example
Port 8000
Path /ws
Username username
Password password
Topic sms

Example of a WebSocket Handshake

GET /ws?topic=sms HTTP/1.1
Host: domain.example:8000
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

The server will verify whether the username and password are correct. If true, the server will add the connection to the list of recipients of the message.

When a client sends a message, the message will be sent to all clients by topic except the sender. Thus, the handshake between the sender and the recipient of the message is the same.

The OTP-Pi never sends messages to the WSMessageBroker server. OTP-Pi only accepts messages according to the desired topic.

WebSocket Server

OTP-Publisher include WebSocket Message Broker. This server will broadcast the message to all the connected client with same topic. Basic authorization required to connect to this server.

User Account

User accounts are stored on file WSServer/bin/.htpasswd

Start WebSocket Server

php -q WSServer/bin/server.php

All in One Publisher

By adding an independent system, you can create an OTP system with all of the above methods. This system consists of being able to create OTP, validate OTP, send SMS, send email, block MSISDN, and unblock MSISDN. You can also take advantage of the WebSocket server which can be a message broker so you don't need RabbitMQ, Redis, MQTT, and also don't need to connect directly to OTP-Pi via REST API.



; You can select one of REST, REDIS, AMQP, MQTT or WS
; To use WS, start WebSocket Server with command php -q WSServer/bin/server.php
method = MQTT
username = kamshory
password = kamshory
manage_otp = true

; How long OTP cache files will be kept
cache_max_age = 300

; Directory where OTP cache will be store. 
; The file will be deleted when expire and if OTP validation request from user is success
cache_dir = C:\cache\otp

url =
username = kamshory
password = kamshory 

host =
port = 6379
username = kamshory 
password = kamshory 
topic = sms
callback_delay = 50

host =
port = 5672
username = guest 
password = guest 
topic = sms
callback_delay = 50

host =
port = 1883
username = user
password = pass
topic = sms
callback_delay = 50
client_id = php

host =
port = 9000
username = kamshory
password = kamshory
topic = sms
callback_delay = 50
path = /ws/


For WS, use instead of localhost

Request OTP

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/otp-pi/autoload.php";

$otppi = new OTPPi("user", "pass");

 * Parameters to be sent on request OTP

$receiver = '0812661111';

// Reference number from the transaction (generated by your application)
$reference = time();

$id = time();

// OTP life time (in second)
$lifetime = 60;

// OTP message format (must be contains one %s)
$messageFormat = 'Kode OTP Anda adalah %s';

// Subject (used if receiver is email address)
$subject = 'Kode OTP Anda';

// Additional data from the transaction (must be identic with validate OTP)
$params = array(

$response = $otppi->createOTP($receiver, $id, $reference, $lifetime, $messageFormat, $params, $subject);

echo json_encode($response);


Validate OTP

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/otp-pi/autoload.php";

$otppi = new OTPPi("user", "pass");

 * Parameters to be sent on request OTP

$receiver = '0812661111';

$clearOTP = "329180";

// Reference number from the transaction (generated by your application)
$reference = "1629685778";

// Additional data from the transaction (must be identic with validate OTP)
$params = array(

$response = $otppi->verifyOTP($receiver, $clearOTP, $reference, $params);

echo json_encode($response);


Send Message

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/otp-pi/autoload.php";

$otppi = new OTPPi("user", "pass");

 * Parameters to be sent on request OTP

$receiver = '0812661111';

$id = time();

// OTP life time (in second)
$lifetime = 60;

$message = "OTP Anda adalah 123456";
$subject = "OTP Anda";

$response = $otppi->sendMessage($receiver, $id, $lifetime, $message, $subject);

echo json_encode($response);

Send SMS

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/otp-pi/autoload.php";

$otppi = new OTPPi("user", "pass");

 * Parameters to be sent on request OTP

$receiver = '0812661111';

$id = time();

// OTP life time (in second)
$lifetime = 60;

$message = "OTP Anda adalah 123456";

$response = $otppi->sendSMS($receiver, $id, $lifetime, $message);

echo json_encode($response);

Send Email

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/otp-pi/autoload.php";

$otppi = new OTPPi("user", "pass");

 * Parameters to be sent on request OTP

$receiver = 'user@domain.tld';

$id = time();

// OTP life time (in second)
$lifetime = 60;

$message = "OTP Anda adalah 123456";
$subject = "OTP Anda";

$response = $otppi->sendEmail($receiver, $id, $lifetime, $message, $subject);

echo json_encode($response);


require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/otp-pi/autoload.php";

$otppi = new OTPPi("user", "pass");

$receiver = '0812661111';

$response = $otppi->blockMSISDN($receiver);

echo json_encode($response);

Unblock MSISDN

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/otp-pi/autoload.php";

$otppi = new OTPPi("user", "pass");

$receiver = '0812661111';

$response = $otppi->unblockMSISDN($receiver);

echo json_encode($response);


Response Code List

RC Description

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