Consul and consul-template in kubernetes to configure nginx load balancer
Testing automatic configuration of NGINX load balancer in GKE with consul-template
We deploy consul in GKE k8s cluster using Helm and deploy a 3 instance webapp We use a NGINX LB to load balance this app This load balancer is automatically configured by consul-template
Set .env file with your own variables
Note :If you create your own docker image for nginx_lb with consul-template update the nginx_lb_with_consul_template.yaml with your image name
- Create your own NGINX image with consul-template or just use my image "kaparora/nginx_consul_template:latest"
- Deploy GKE Cluster
- Install Consul with Helm
- Install a webapp with consul inject true
- Deploy NGINX load balancer (including consul-template)
- Open the nginx-lb External IP in a browser to see the load balancer in action (Automatic initial configuration)
- Scale webapp and check the nginx External IP in the browser again (Automatic configuration update)
- Destroy GKE cluster