Untitled Zelda Clone
How to run the game.
1.)Clone the repository
2.)Open Eclipse
3.)Set the workspace to 2019-Java-Group13
3a.)If the project is not open then open the project
4.)Check if the JDK is added and is of the right version (1.8)
5.)Click run
Authors: Kazuki Saegusa and Meet Patel
How to play the game.
W = Move up
A = Move left
S = Move down
D = Move right
E = Transform
SPACE = Primary sword attack
C = Use secondary equipment
- Shield = Go into a shield stance, take no damage, strafe and move slow
- Javelin = Throw a javelin
- Wand = Fling a projectile that induces stun
P = Pause the game
ESCAPE = Quit the game, prompt will show asking for confirmation
- Escape = Cancel quitting the game
- Enter = Quit the game