Testing Your Local React App Mobile Browser iPhone Android
The instructions are for Mac OSX via Homebrew:
brew install dnsmasq
dnsmasq is a lightweight dns server that will fallback to the original DNS server when it encounters an unknown domain
Add the line address=/www.your-domain.com/ (my Mac ip in this sample) to the file /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
vi /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
The IP Address is whatever the IP address assigned to your local computer by your router. You can find this via Network Utility (ifconfig)
sudo brew services restart dnsmasq
This starts dnsmasq process, and it will listen on the DNS ports
Edit your /etc/hosts
sudo vi /etc/hosts yourdomain.com
Set your local computer's IP Address as your DNS Server your iPhone, go to Settings -> Wi-Fi -> Info icon for your connected router -> DNS