The project is built with STOCKDATA.ORG to display the information, and it can be seen on Nasdaq Stock Marked.
This project is build with:
A user can view the list of all companies listed in the NASDAQ stock market and can also see the historical price of a specific stock.
The homepage has a list of all companies listed in the NASDAQ stock market.
The page displays the historical price of the stock. If you want to search by a specified range of time, click on the button "Click here to search by time", and this action opens a modal with the inputs.
If the user tries to go to a page that doesn't exist, the user will be directed to a "Not Found" page.
If the fetch data fails or the search in the API fails, the user will receive the message "loading error."
To run the application, first make sure you have npm or yarn. The following steps are with yarn, but they work with npm too.
Run in the terminal yarn install
to install node-modules
After run in the terminal yarn start
, and open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The implementation of the application is deployed with Netlify.