is an interactive chart for dc.js library that presents data in tableview form.
It was created because I was missing some functionality in the original table that comes with dc. I designed it so that it can easily replace dc.dataTable in your projects.
It is build on top of well known DataTables jQuery plugin.
Several quick start options are available:
- dc-tableview.js - full version including all features
- dc-tableview-light.js - lightweight version (does not include buttons and column reorder functionality).
- dc-tableview-bs.js - version for use with bootstrap
- dc-tableview-light-bs.js - lightweight version of the above
yarn install dc-tableview --save
npm install dc-tableview --save
To clone the repository, use
git clone https://github.com/karenpommeroy/dc-tableview.git
npm build (or yarn build)
or to create production ready, minified versions:
npm package (or yarn package)
Some basic integrity tests are implemented using jest.
npm test
npm run test-debug #(verbose mode with in-browser source debugging)
Test results are printed to terminal by default but you can modify jest.config.js file to change that
This library is created as an UMD module which means you can use it as an AMD or CommonJS module as well as a standalone library.
dc.tableview(div, "chartGroupName");
<script src="/path/to/dc-tableview.js"></script>
There are couple of dependencies that are required by dc-tableview
Two libraries are essential for every build: dc.js and jquery
Bootstrap.js is required if you are going to use bootstrap ready version.
In order to run the examples you also need to include d3.js and crossfilter2
Initialization is performed the same as for any other chart in dc.js:
var chart = dc.tableview(div, "chartGroupName");
is written so that it can replace standard data table included in dc without any big changes in existing code.
It mixes in dc.baseMixin and implements all of the methods of the original dc.dataTable.
Initialization looks like this:
var chart = dc.tableview(".chart .container", "chartGroupName");
Get or set the index of the beginning slice which determines which entries get displayed by the widget. Useful when implementing pagination. See: https://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/docs/html/dc.dataTable.html#beginSlice
var slice = chart.beginSlice();
Get or set buttons available for the chart.
chart.buttons(["csv", "pdf", "excel", "print"])
Removes tableview from DOM.
Gets or sets column definitions to be used. For details check out: https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns
{ title: "Experiment", data: "Expt" },
{ title: "Run", data: "Run" },
{ title: "Speed", data: "Speed" },
Get or set dataSource to be be used for the table. By default dataSource is obtained based on dimension however you can supply your own data independently. See details here: https://datatables.net/manual/data/#Data-sources
Get or set order of chart components. Described in details here: https://datatables.net/reference/option/dom
Get status or enable/disable automatic column width calculation.
Get status or enable/disable reordering of columns.
Get status or set whether to show or hide header row.
Get status or enable/disable paging.
Get status or enable/disable paging info text.
Get status or enable/disable paging size change combo box.
Get status or enable/disable scrolling (instead of paging).
Get or set scrolling options.
scrollY: string | number,
scrollCollapse: boolean,
deferRender: boolean
Get status or enable/disable search (filter) input.
Get status or enable/disable responsive features.
Get status or enable/disable responsive features.
Get or set the index of the end slice which determines which entries get displayed by the widget. See: https://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/docs/html/dc.dataTable.html#endSlice
Enable or disable fixed header that will be always visible.
Returns underlying DataTable object for advanced manipulation. For more info checkout DataTables repository (https://github.com/DataTables/Dist-DataTables) and documentation.
var dt = chart.getDataTable();
Get or set column name that the grouping should be applied by.
Attach event handlers to chart.
rowClicked: function (row, data, index) {
rowDblClicked: function (row, data, index) {
rowEnter: function (row, data, index) {
rowLeave: function (row, data, index) {
Gets or sets default sort type used in the chart. This will be used if order is not specified using sortBy() function.
Get or set text used by pagin info control. You can use following placeholders here that will be replaced by actual values: START, END, TOTAL;
chart.pagingInfoText("Showing _START_ - _END_ of _TOTAL_ items");
Get or set the name of the column that will be used as row id
Get current status or enable/disable data grouping. This must be enabled in order for groupBy() to work
Get or set the table size which determines the number of rows displayed.
var size = chart.size();
Get or set fields that data is sorted by along with sort order. Multiple sorts are allowed at the same time.
chart.sortBy([["first", "desc"], ["second", "asc"]]);
All of the exposed methods return dc-tableview
object so chaining subsequent calls is possible.
An example of this would be:
var chart = dc.tableview(".container", "name");
.rowId("id") // and so on...
Click one of the links below to see dc-tableview in action:
All of above examples are available in the examples folder located in the repository.
Licensed under MIT license.