- backend server uses the Flask framework and is run with gunicorn
- virtualenv is used to maintain dependencies
- To activate virtualenv, run
source venv/bin/activate
in project root - To run the server from project root:
gunicorn --chdir ./Server wsgi:app
(in virtualenv)
- Heroku-deployment branch serves as continuous deployment branch to Heroku
- Pushing to this branch will trigger an automatic build and new release on Heroku server
- Heroku config variables are used to supply credentials and keys to the server on Heroku
- private_config.py is used to supply these credentials locally for development (not on Git)
- A cloud ClearDB database is used to house all backend data
- To run the Heroku build locally, download the Heroku CLI and run
heroku local
(in virtualenv)
- run 'pip freeze > requirements.txt' to refresh requirements file
cd ./WanderShopApp
npm install
react-native run-ios
- in global.js, uncomment the line to point to the appropriate backend
- localhost:8000 is the local gunicorn instance
- localhost:5000 is the local heroku instance
- https://wandershop-server.herokuapp.com/ is the online Heroku server
- modify credentials in server.py
- utilize scripts in
to set up server with data
- updated copy of Git repo
- private_config.py