This Flask web application fetches real-time stock prices using the Alpha Vantage API and displays them along with the total value of a predefined stock portfolio. It features server-side caching to optimize API usage and improve performance.
- Real-Time Stock Prices: Fetches the latest prices for a set of stocks.
- Portfolio Management: Displays quantities and total values of selected stocks.
- Server-Side Caching: Implements file-based caching to limit API calls.
- User-Friendly Interface: Presents data in a neatly formatted table.
- Clone the Repository
git clone [repository_url]
cd [repository_name]
- Create and Activate a Virtual Environment (optional, but recommended)
- For Windows:
python -m venv venv
- For macOS and Linux:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install Dependencies:
pip install Flask requests
- Set Environment Variables
- For Windows:
set FLASK_ENV=development
- For macOS and Linux:
export FLASK_ENV=development
- Run the Application
flask run
- Access the web application via in your web browser.
- View real-time stock prices and the total value of the stock portfolio.
- Main Flask application file.
- templates/: Folder containing HTML templates.
- index.html: The main template for displaying stock prices.
- static/: Folder for static files.
- style.css: CSS stylesheet for styling the web interface.
- Caching is implemented to reduce the frequency of API calls.
- Stock prices are stored in the cache directory with a defined expiration time.
- Cached data is used when available and not expired; otherwise, an API call is made.