My name is Kasper, I am from The Netherlands and am currently studying computer science in 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.
- Simon Says (Hardware & Software)
- Lift (automation/PLC)
- Ledcube (Hardware & Software)
- Robotrun (Software)
- Stylophone (Hardware)
- Weather station (station, database, php server and windows app)
- Domotics (bluetooth mesh networks)
- F1 Database (web interface, mySQL database, api handler)
- RetroGame (FPGA as GPU, map logic)
- Autopilot using 'computer vision'
- Webshop
- Internship at IOLAN B.V.
- BSTS, BSEUC, BeatKhana! & YABT stream overlays
- Project LA (since 26/07/2023) (private repository and on hold)
I have been in Computer Science for 2+ years. During these years I had experience with:
- C++
- C
- JS
- TS
- React
- micropython
- Python
- Assembly
- Zephyr
You can reach me by Email(