Simple helm chart for getting humio up and running in a minikube kubernetes cluster.
Be aware. This is not meant for production usage.
In order to get this up and running, you need:
This is really simple. Start by spinning up a minikube
minikube --memory 6144 start
I specify the memory
argument to make sure we have enough.
Once the minikube cluster is up an running, you need to install tiller, which is the server-side component of helm:
helm init
Now, the last thing is to install humio in the cluster. Go to the chart directory.
cd helmchart/k8s-humio
and install the chart
helm install . --name humio
This will spin up humio as a deployment in your minikube cluster, and further expose it as a service. You can now access the humio ui:
minikube service k8s-humio
That's all needed to get Humio running.
When you deployed humio, you exposed two ports. One port is being exposed as type=LoadBalancer
which enables you to access humio on a specific nodeport. Further the deployment created a service: k8s-humio-es
. This service is used to ship logs to humios elasticsearch api.
To ship logs from your cluster. Go back to the project root. Edit the file humio-agent.yaml
and insert the ingest token from you humio repository (docs: You can just create a new repository and the token should be easy to find.
Insert the token in the
Now deploy the fluent-bit DaemonSet
using the official helm chart.
helm install stable/fluent-bit --name=humio-agent -f humio-agent.yaml --set on_minikube=true
You should now be able to see logs coming into your dataspace in Humio.
Again, this is not ment for production usage, since it stores data on the minikube host.
- Support switching between environments
- Support different storage options
- More Humio configuration options
- Migrate to StatefulSet's
- Probably much more stuff
- ?
If you find bugs, want to add more features, etc. Please submit PR's or create issues.