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Flexible and easy to use HTTP File Server for Go


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HTTP File Server

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Like http.FileServer, plus the following features:

  • Single Page Application NEW
  • Embedded files through go-bindata
  • In-memory file system with pre-compressed files NEW
  • HTTP/2 Push Targets on index requests
  • Fast gzip, deflate, brotli and snappy compression based on the client's needs
  • Content disposition and download speed limits
  • Customize directory listing by a template file or an index.html
  • Validator for each file per request, e.g. check permissions before serve a file


The only requirement is the Go Programming Language.

$ go get

Getting Started

Import the package:

import ""

The httpfs package is fully compatible with the standard library. Use FileServer(http.FileSystem, httpfs.Options) to return a http.Handler that serves directories and files.

For system files you can use the http.Dir:

fileServer := httpfs.FileServer(http.Dir("./assets"), httpfs.DefaultOptions)

Where httpfs.DefaultOptions looks like this:

var DefaultOptions = Options{
	IndexName:   "/index.html",
	Compress:    true,
	ShowList:    false,

To register a route with a prefix, wrap the handler with the http.StripPrefix:

fileServer = http.StripPrefix("/public/", fileServer)

Register the FileServer handler:

http.Handle("/public/", fileServer)

To serve files that are translated as Go code, inside the executable program itself, use the generated AssetFile() instead of http.Dir:

fileServer := httpfs.FileServer(AssetFile(), httpfs.DefaultOptions)

To cache and compress files(gzip, deflate, snappy and brotli) before server ran, wrap any file system (embedded or physical) with the MustAsset(http.FileSystem, CacheOptions) function:

var fileSystem http.FileSystem

// fileSystem = http.Dir("./assets")
fileSystem = AssetFile()
fileSystem = httpfs.MustCache(fileSystem, httpfs.DefaultCacheOptions)

fileServer := httpfs.FileServer(fileSystem, httpfs.DefaultOptions)

The optional Verbose call can be used while in development status, it outputs something like that:

Time to complete the compression and caching of [3/12] files: 11.0022ms
Total size reduced from 16.2 kB to:
gzip    (4.6 kB) [71.48%]
deflate (4.6 kB) [71.82%]
br      (4.1 kB) [74.46%]
snappy  (6.5 kB) [59.76%]

Read the available Options you can use below:

dirOptions := httpfs.Options{
	IndexName: "/index.html",
	PushTargets: map[string][]string{
		"/": []string{
	Compress: true,
	ShowList: true,
	DirList: httpfs.DirListRich(httpfs.DirListRichOptions{
		Tmpl:     myHTMLTemplate,
		TmplName: "dirlist.html",
		Title:    "My File Server",
	Attachments: httpfs.Attachments{
		Enable: false,
		Limit:  50.0 * httpfs.KB,
		Burst:  100 * httpfs.KB,
	Allow: func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, name string) bool {
		return true

The httpfs.DirListRich is just a DirListFunc helper function that can be used instead of the default httpfs.DirList to improve the look and feel of directory listing. By default it renders the DirListRichTemplate. The DirListRichOptions.Tmpl field is a html/template and it accepts the following page data that you can use in your own template file:

type listPageData struct {
	Title string
	Files []fileInfoData

type fileInfoData struct {
	Info     os.FileInfo
	ModTime  string
	Path     string
	RelPath  string
	Name     string
	Download bool

You can always perform further customizations on directory listing when Options.ShowList field is set to true by setting the Options.DirList to a type DirListFunc of the following form:

func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request,
	opts Options, name string, dir http.File) error {

	// [...]

Please navigate through _examples directory for more.


This software is licensed under the MIT License.