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How to Update

This website and the file cv.pdf both compile information sequestered in the data folder.

To make updates, begin by opening the project via kathryn-q-grace.Rproj. Then:

  1. add information to one or more of the data files (see below)
  2. type quarto render in the RStudio Terminal
  3. push the results to GitHub (the website hosted on Netlify will update automatically)

List of data files

  • publications.bib - please note that this BibTex file helps to sort publications under 4 different headings in cv.pdf. You must add new entries with one of the following options in the "category" field:

    • refereed
    • conference papers
    • conference posters
    • talks
    • other
  • people.csv - includes fields for each collaborator's name, position, professional website, and path to an avatar image (displayed at the bottom of the Home page). Please note that:

    • the path to each avatar should be relative to the images folder (e.g. "nina.png")
    • if no path is specified, the default image avatar.png will be used as a placeholder
  • grants.csv

  • appointments.csv

  • additional_training.csv

  • cv.css - includes any special styling needed for cd.pdf

  • cv.rmd - please do not knit this file directly, as it is automatically sourced when you run quarto render (we want the CV and website to remain in sync)

Website details

This website is built with Quarto and stylized with the files styles.scss and _quarto.yml.

The site consist of four pages, each built with a different .qmd file:

  • index.qmd builds the homepage. Please note that:

    • the div class hero-heading references the "hero" banner (avatar & welcome message) at the top of the page
    • the div class stripe toggles the pink background used in alternating sections
    • the div class proj arranges projects and featured publications in a flex-box with a featured image on the right
    • the div class people arranges avatars at the bottom of the page in a flex-box with customized styling for round-shaped avatar images
    • featured publications are not automatically updated when new publications are added to publications.bib - this allows you to customize the featured text and images by editing index.qmd
    • styles.scss includes a mobile query that rearranges flex-boxes for layout on small screens
  • publications.qmd only features publications in publications.bib where category = "refereed"

  • about.qmd is text-only

  • teaching.qmd is text-only