This idea came to me while taking the OSCP. I took my own initiative to create this script, though it's far from perfect,I created this script as part of continuing my education, as a result I applied several different methodologies in creating it.
I borrowed several lines from g0tmi1ks script though most of the lines are available open source on the net.
Some of the repos are included in the full Kali Distro, I also added additional software in order to fix several known issues with Kali
Express Install: It will install basic apps and configure services and your system for daily use.
Atom Asciinema Pure-FTPd Chromium Hexchat Shutter
Apache2 Tilda Terminator htop Mysql Conky
Dropbox psmisc SSH Icedove Pipe Vievwer Tft
LibreOffice Filezilla Gitkraken lnav
Full Install: It will Install Express module apps, full package repos and let your system ready for Pentesting.
MSF OpenVas Sshuttle GCC MITMf Wig
GoBuster Armitage VFeed Pfi MinGW Wordlists
CMSmap reGeorg Python Graudit AccessChk Wine
Smbspider Droopescan Patetor Pycharm Daemonfs PsExec.exe
Hyperion CrackMapExec Crowbar Clusterd wdiff Proxychains
Veil-framework BDFProxy Credcrack Subterfuge Webhandler Vbindiff
HttpTunnel OP-Packers BetterCap Empire Azazel Gnmap-Parser
Fuzzbunch Gophish
Just do:
For help do:
Pending Ideas:
- Working with counters inside modules
- Need to Include personalized exploits to exploit DB.
- Set key macros for programming.
- Make script to trap TERM signal. add infoga add sniper
June 2019
- Waterfox has been added for legacy addons support as alternative to firefox-esr.
- Improved Terminator Logger plugging KawaxisLogger to make it work with updated systems.
- Testssl SSL audit script added.