This is a SPA (Single Paged Application) resume/portfolio website built with React showcasing my work and other personal information to clients.
Carry out the following steps:
Clone this project repository locally. For steps on how to clone a repository using the command line, read this section of the Github Docs about cloning a repository.
Navigate to the project directory locally by the command
cd [local repository]
Check package.json file and ensure scripts are notated as below:
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"
Run the command
npm install
. Note: Make sure to delete the node_modules folder and any 'lock' files such as yarn.lock or package-lock.json before runningnpm install
if present. -
Now run
npm start
to run the app in the development mode.
Click this link to view the deployed application.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
All comments and suggestions regarding improvements to this project are welcomed. To contribute to this project, clone this project repository locally and commit your code on a separate branch. You may then modify the code to your liking, submit well-formed pull requests and open useful issues. For steps on how to clone a repository using the command line, read this section of the Github Docs about cloning a repository.
Please use the contact information below if you would like to reach me with any questions.
Github Profile: @kaylamuraoka