Binary Data Transfer Benchmark for Socket.IO,, WebSocket-Node, and ws
This benchmark reports client -> server -> client binary data transfer latency on websocket and calculates the throughput. The binary data is randomly generated, and the websocket protocol is version 13.
$ npm install
$ npm install
# WebSocket-Node benchmark
$ node websocket-node-app.js&
$ node client.js 1048576 5
$ killall node
# benchmark
$ node
$ node client.js 1048576 5
$ killall node
# Socket.IO did not work under the author's environment
$ node
$ node client.js 1048576 5
$ killall node
# ws benchmark
$ node ws-app.js&
$ node ws-client.js 1048576 5
$ killall node
# the best benchmark result under the author's environment
# over 2Gbps!!!
- If the first argument is given, xxx-app.js starts listening to https (and wss). If this option is on, xxx-app.js requires server.cert and server.key files.
- The first argument is dataSize (Bytes) in decimal to send.
- The second argument decides the number of Measurements for averaging (denominator of average).
- If the third argument is given, client.js uses https (and wss).
In order to quickly calculate the dataSize, `echo "2^20"|bc` tricks can be useful. For example, benchmarking 1MiB (= 2^20) data transferring performance, use
$ node client.js `echo "2^20"|bc` 5
In order to run on a remote server, edit client.js and change the serverName.