LearnGitBranching is a pseudo-git sandbox and interactive series of tutorials / challenges to accelerate the understanding of how git commit trees work. The ideal audience is a complete newcomer to git, but a wide range of experience levels should be able ot benefit from these tutorials.
It supports a fairly wide range of commands and dynamically visualizes the effects each change has on a commit tree visualization next to the command box:
You can see the demo here: http://pcottle.github.com/learnGitBranching/?demo
or use the vanilla app here: http://pcottle.github.com/learnGitBranching/
Sandbox mode is where you can mess around and just see what certain git commands do. It is moderately helpful, but the real magic lies in levels...
Type levels
to see the available levels. These are a mix of tutorials and challenges to introduce git concepts and get newcomers familiar with certain workflows. There is also a "git golf" concept that tracks how many commands you used to solve the level :P
You can build levels with build level
. The dialog should walk you through the majority of the commands -- at the end you will get a JSON blob that you can share with friends or paste into a github issue.
I would love for more levels to be added! I think there is a ton to learn and a ton to cover. Hopefully the community together can build a great tool for all git newcomers.
I am really loose about contributing levels. For contributing functionality, you will need to install the grunt
build tool. The general steps:
git clone <your fork of the repo>
cd learnGitBranching
npm install
git checkout -b newAwesomeFeature
# some changes
grunt build
git commit -am "My new sweet feature!"
git push
# go online and request a pull
A big shoutout to these brave souls for extensively testing our sandbox and finding bugs and/or inconsistencies:
- Nikita Kouevda
- Maksim Ioffe
- Dan Miller
Also huge shoutout for everyone who has put up a pull request
- Stephen Cavaliere
- Andrew Ardill
- Shao-Chung Chen
- Tobias Pfeiffer
- Luke Kysow
And reported an issue that was successfully closed!
- Caspar Krieger
- Stuart Knightley
- John Gietzen
- Chris Greene
- "datton"
- Jaymes Bearden
- Jan-Erik Rediger