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Skeleton-Driven Inbetweening of Bitmap Character Drawings

One of the primary reasons for the high cost of traditional animation is the inbetweening process, where artists manually draw each intermediate frame necessary for smooth motion. Making this process more efficient has been at the core of computer graphics research for years, yet the industry has adopted very few solutions. Most existing solutions either require vector input or resort to tight inbetweening; often, they attempt to fully automate the process. In industry, however, keyframes are often spaced far apart, drawn in raster format, and contain occlusions. Moreover, inbetweening is fundamentally an artistic process, so the artist should maintain high-level control over it.

We address these issues by proposing a novel inbetweening system for bitmap character drawings, supporting both tight and far inbetweening. In our setup, the artist can control motion by animating a skeleton between the keyframe poses. Our system then performs skeleton-based deformation of the bitmap drawings into the same pose and employs discrete optimization and deep learning to blend the deformed images. Besides the skeleton and the two drawn bitmap keyframes, we require very little annotation.

However, deforming drawings with occlusions is complex, as it requires a piecewise smooth deformation field. To address this, we observe that this deformation field is smooth when the drawing is lifted into 3D. Our system therefore optimizes topology of a 2.5D partially layered template that we use to lift the drawing into 3D and get the final piecewise-smooth deformaton, effectively resolving occlusions.

We validate our system through a series of animations, qualitative and quantitative comparisons, and user studies, demonstrating that our approach consistently outperforms the state of the art and our results are consistent with the viewers' perception.

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  • GNU/Linux
  • python
  • libigl
  • eigen
  • pytorch
  • gimp (optional)
  • [NVIDIA GPU] (optional, but highly recommended)
  • wget && unzip
  • wget && unzip


  • clone libigl and build cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build
  • compile (eigen required):
  • install python packages pip install --break-system-packages -r ./requirements.txt (see ./requirements.txt for more details)


  • Run:
python src/ \
    --inpaint-method copy \
    --out-dir output \
    --img-paths \
        "${PATH_TO_IMG_0}" `# path to image 1` \
        "${PATH_TO_IMG_1}" `# path to image 2` \

    # --interactive 4 `# use this for interactive mesh and animation manipulation` \
    # --to-show `# debug` \

# or
# sh

See demo_run.mp4.

The program first extracts the foreground mask using a simple threshold from Animated Drawings. If the mask is correct, enter y (yes) at the command line. Otherwise, enter n (no) or b (box). With the b key, the OpenCV UI prompts you to crop the character using the mouse.

The full image or crop is used as input to the segmentation model predicting foreground and occlusion masks. If the masks are correct, enter y on the command line. Otherwise, enter n and fix them with gimp (it will open automatically). Save the foreground mask with the _mask suffix with the same extension as the image, and the occlusion mask with the _occlusion_mask_pred suffix and close gimp.

The program then predicts the 2D/3D skeleton (3D skeleton is available if sketch2pose is installed) and opens the OpenCV UI to fix them. Make sure all joints and bones are inside the foreground mask. After corrections, enter q (exit) or close the window.

Then you need to correct the z-order for each joint. Click on the joints to place them in the z direction (x in the positive direction is right, y in the positive direction is down, z in the positive direction is inward): green: z=0, red: z=1 (further), blue: z = -1 (closer). After corrections, enter q (exit) or close the window.

Then specify the T-junctions (they will automatically snap to the boundary of the foreground mask). Finally, select the visible bones for each occlusion mask.

After this you will get the following for the image named IMG.EXT:

  • json file IMG.json with 2D skeleton, z-order, T-joints, which bone is visible in the occlusion mask
  • binary foreground mask IMG_mask.EXT
  • binary occlusion mask IMG_occlusion_mask_pred.EXT which you will be able to edit someday

If you find any errors, run the --to-show key to go through each step and analyze the mesh.


Assuming you are in inbetweening directory

  • clone RIFE and go to RIFE directory: git clone --depth 1 && cd ECCV2022-RIFE
  • download pretrained model (we use v4.10.1) and unzip into train_log directory
  • copy files from ./rife to the RIFE directory: rsync -rtzvP ../rife/ .

First run the simple version using diagonal (see Fig. 9 in the paper):

  • sh ../$d diag where $d is directory with outputs from inbetweening step
  • cat $d/output_000/*.png | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -i - -r 25 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -y $d/output_000/diag.mp4 This will generate an animation from images. If there are multiple output_* run for all.

The same commands in script:

for d in ../"${inp_dir}"; do
  sh $d diag
  cat $d/output_000/*.png | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -i - -r 25 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -y $d/output_000/diag.mp4

If the results are blurry try to run the full version:

  • sh ../$d where $d is directory with outputs from inbetweening step. It takes more time.
  • sh ../$d
  • sh $d where $d is directory with outputs from RIFE. This will generate an animation from images.

The same commands in script:

# in directory with rife
for d in ../"${inp_dir}"; do
  sh $d
  sh $d

sh "${inp_dir}"

Known issues

bugs you may encounter

  • All joints along with bones must be inside the segmentation mask (in the foreground)
  • Make sure the occlusion mask is inside the segmentation mask, only the T-junctions should touch the boundaries
  • A single T-junction must be represented as adjacent pixels touching the boundary. For example, let's say we only have one T-junction ("x" in the diagram):
      /---x---/    _\
      |        ___|
       \__    |
    Due to the finite precision of pixel space, this T-junction can be represented as a few pixels.
      /--xxx--/    _\
      |        ___|
       \__    |
    You need to avoid non-adjacent pixels for one T-junction:
          +----- not correct
      /--x-x--/    _\
      |        ___|
       \__    |
    • Try changing the value of the --touch-pixels key from 1 to 3.
    • Try changing the value of the interations cv2.dilate in src/
    • Remove long single pixel lines
             __...                    __...
            /                        /
       _____|                        |
      |______      ...        =>     |     ...
        ^   |_____|                  |____|
       ...      +- remove this     ...
      /         |                 /
      |_____    |                 |
       _____|<+-+     ...     =>  |              ...
      |_____________|             |_____________|
  • Duplicated vertices. triangle does not like duplicated vertices. Try moving the joints away from the boundary of the occlusion mask


cut mesh

  • A T-junction is represented by at least one edge at the boundary. Try to represent it as a single vertex
  • triangle doesn't support multiple labels per vertex/edge
  • Order of occlusion masks in optimization. We currently fix the order in which the occlusion masks are cut and select the best cut for a given occlusion mask independent of other cuts. Try to optimize globally
  • Only 2 local occlusion layers are supported. To do more, you need to rewrite the code a little

user interface

  • Draw the foreground and occlusion masks
  • 2D pose estimation
  • Z-order
  • T-junctions
  • Animation


  • Use all CPU cores to cut the mesh in parallel for each occlusion region. You need to copy the mesh for each process


The system is monolithic and difficult to expand and debug. Divide on small independent modules:

  • foreground mask
  • occlusion masks
  • 2D pose (skeleton topology)
  • z-order
  • mesh generation
  • mesh cut optimization
  • animation (deformation)
  • rendering

limitations and further research

  • Alignment of textures of both frames for better frame interpolation
  • Frame interpolation method
  • Inpainting method
  • Occlusion mask segmentation model
  • 3D rotation support (may be height/depth map prediction, 3D mesh inflation)


    author = {Kirill Brodt and Mikhail Bessmeltsev},
    title = {Skeleton-Driven Inbetweening of Bitmap Character Drawings},
    journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
    year = {2024},
    month = {12},
    volume = {43},
    number = {6},
    doi = {10.1145/3687955},

Useful links


Skeleton-Driven Inbetweening of Bitmap Character Drawings







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