via pip
pip install active911-python
Manual Installation
Download release and install by:
python install
Import Package
import active_911
Initialize class
client = active_911.Active911Client(access_token='Enter Access Token Here')
Environment Variable Support
If access_token is not passed you can set ACTIVE911_ACCESS_TOKEN as the environment variable.
This function will return the authorized agency and is considered the root of the API.
This function will return detailed device information.
get_device_alerts(device_id=None, alert_days=None, alert_minutes=None)
This function will return agency alerts by device. Number of alerts can be set by alert_days(default:10 Max:30) or alert_minutes, alert_minutes supersedes alert_days if set.
get_alerts(alert_days=None, alert_minutes=None)
Returns agency alerts. Number of alerts can be set by alert_days(default:10 Max:30) or alert_minutes, alert_minutes supersedes alert_days if set.
Returns alert detail by alert_id.
get_locations(locations_page=None, locations_per_page=None)
Returns all map data locations.
Returns location point detail
Returns location point resource detail
Full OAUTH scope is required for proper functionality.
- read_agency Allows read-only access to this agency's information (Name, Address etc).
- read_alert Allows read-only access to all alerts in the agency.
- read_response Allows read-only access to responses to all alerts in the agency.0
- read_device Allows read-only access to all device information in the agency.
- read_mapdata Allows read-only access to all locations and resources in the agency.
- write_mapdata Allows creation of locations and resources for the agency.
- Add POST request support for mapping locations.
- Support locations_coordinate_window