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Nuke 7.0

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@kean kean released this 10 May 18:04
· 2437 commits to main since this release

Nuke 7 is the biggest release yet. It has a lot of massive new features, new performance improvements, and some API refinements. Check out new Nuke website to see quick videos showcasing some of the new features.

Nuke 7 is almost completely source-compatible with Nuke 6.

Progressive JPEG & WebP

Add support for progressive JPEG (built-in) and WebP (build by the Ryo Kosuge). See README for more info. See demo project to see it in action.

Add new ImageProcessing protocol which now takes an extra ImageProcessingContext parameter. One of its properties is scanNumber which allows you to do things like apply blur to progressive image scans reducing blur radius with each new scan ("progressive blur").

Resumable Downloads (HTTP Range Requests)

If the data task is terminated (either because of a failure or a cancellation) and the image was partially loaded, the next load will resume where it was left off. In many use cases resumable downloads are a massive improvement to user experience, especially on the mobile internet.

Resumable downloads require server support for HTTP Range Requests. Nuke supports both validators (ETag and Last-Modified).

The resumable downloads are enabled by default. The resumable data is automatically stored in efficient memory cache. This is a good default, but future versions might add more customization options.

Loading Images into Views

Add a new set of powerful methods to load images into views. Here's one of those methods:

public func loadImage(with request: ImageRequest,
                      options: ImageLoadingOptions = ImageLoadingOptions.shared,
                      into view: ImageDisplayingView,
                      progress: ImageTask.ProgressHandler? = nil,
                      completion: ImageTask.Completion? = nil) -> ImageTask?

You can now pass progress and completion closures as well as new ImageLoadingOptions struct which offers a range of options:

public struct ImageLoadingOptions {
    public static var shared = ImageLoadingOptions()
    public var placeholder: Image?
    public var transition: Transition?
    public var failureImage: Image?
    public var failureImageTransition: Transition?
    public var isPrepareForReuseEnabled = true
    public var pipeline: ImagePipeline?
    public var contentModes: ContentModes?

    /// Content modes to be used for each image type (placeholder, success, failure).
    public struct ContentModes {
        public var success: UIViewContentMode
        public var failure: UIViewContentMode
        public var placeholder: UIViewContentMode

    /// An animated image transition.
    public struct Transition {
        public static func fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval, options: UIViewAnimationOptions = [.allowUserInteraction]) -> Transition
        public static func custom(_ closure: @escaping (ImageDisplayingView, Image) -> Void) -> Transition

ImageView will now also automatically prepare itself for reuse (can be disabled via ImageLoadingOptions)

Instead of an ImageTarget protocol we now have a new simple ImageDisplaying protocol which relaxes the requirement what can be used as an image view (it's UIView & ImageDisplaying now). This achieves two things:

  • You can now add support for more classes (e.g. MKAnnotationView by implementing ImageDisplaying protocol
  • You can override the display(image: method in UIImageView subclasses (e.g. FLAnimatedImageView)

Image Pipeline

The previous Manager + Loading architecture (terrible naming, responsibilities are often confusing) was replaced with a new unified ImagePipeline class. ImagePipeline was built from the ground-up to support all of the powerful new features in Nuke 7 (progressive decoding, resumable downloads, performance metrics, etc).

There is also a new ImageTask class which feels the gap where user or pipeline needed to communicate between each other after the request was started. ImagePipeline and ImageTask offer a bunch of new features:

  • To cancel the request you now simply need to call cancel() on the task (ImageTask) which is a bit more user-friendly than previous CancellationTokenSource infrastructure.
  • ImageTask offers a new way to track progress (in addition to closures) - native Foundation.Progress (created lazily)
  • ImageTask can be used to dynamically change the priority of the executing tasks (e.g. the user opens a new screen, you lower the priority of outstanding tasks)
  • In ImagePipeline.Configuration you can now provide custom queues (OperationQueue) for data loading, decoding and processing (separate queue for each stage).
  • You can set a custom shared ImagePipeline.

Animated Images (GIFs)

Add built-in support for animated images (everything expect the actual rendering). To enable rendering you're still going to need a third-party library (see FLAnimatedImage and Gifu plugins). The changes made in Nuke dramatically simplified those plugins making both of them essentially obsolete - they both now have 10-30 lines of code, you can just copy this code into your project.

Memory Cache Improvements

  • Add new ImageCaching protocol for memory cache which now works with a new ImageRespone class. You can do much more intelligent things in your cache implementations now (e.g. make decisions on when to evict image based on HTTP headers).
  • Improve cache write/hit/miss performance by 30% by getting rid of AnyHashable overhead. ImageRequest cacheKey and loadKey are now optional. If you use them, Nuke is going to use them instead of built-in internal ImageRequest.CacheKey and ImageRequest.LoadKey.
  • Add TTL support in ImageCache

Aggressive Disk Cache (Experimental)

Add a completely new custom LRU disk cache which can be used for fast and reliable aggressive data caching (ignores HTTP cache control). The new cache lookups are up to 2x faster than URLCache lookups. You can enable it using pipeline's configuration:

When enabling disk cache you must provide a keyEncoder function which takes image request's url as a parameter and produces a key which can be used as a valid filename. The demo project uses sha1 to generate those keys.

$0.enableExperimentalAggressiveDiskCaching(keyEncoder: {
    guard let data = $0.cString(using: .utf8) else { return nil }
    return _nuke_sha1(data, UInt32(data.count))

The public API for disk cache and the API for using custom disk caches is going to be available in the future versions.

Existing API already allows you to use custom disk cache by implementing DataLoading protocol, but this is not the most straightforward option.

Performance Metrics

When optimizing performance, it's important to measure. Nuke collects detailed performance metrics during the execution of each image task:

ImagePipeline.shared.didFinishCollectingMetrics = { task, metrics in


(lldb) po metrics

Task Information {
    Task ID - 1
    Duration - 22:35:16.123 – 22:35:16.475 (0.352s)
    Was Cancelled - false
    Is Memory Cache Hit - false
    Was Subscribed To Existing Session - false
Session Information {
    Session ID - 1
    Total Duration - 0.351s
    Was Cancelled - false
Timeline {
    22:35:16.124 – 22:35:16.475 (0.351s) - Total
    nil – nil (nil)                      - Check Disk Cache
    22:35:16.131 – 22:35:16.410 (0.278s) - Load Data
    22:35:16.410 – 22:35:16.468 (0.057s) - Decode
    22:35:16.469 – 22:35:16.474 (0.005s) - Process
Resumable Data {
    Was Resumed - nil
    Resumable Data Count - nil
    Server Confirmed Resume - nil

Other Changes

  • ImagePreheater now checks ImageCache synchronously before creating tasks which makes it slightly more efficient.
  • RateLimiter now uses the same sync queue as the ImagePipeline reducing a number of dispatched blocks
  • Smarter RateLimiter which no longer attempt to execute pending tasks when the bucket isn't full resulting in idle dispatching of blocks. I've used a CountedSet to see how well it works in practice and it's perfect. Nice small win.
  • Add ImageDecoderRegistry to configure decoders globally.
  • Add ImageDecodingContext to provide as much information as needed to select a decoder.
  • ImageTask.Completion now contains ImageResponse (image + URLResponse) instead of just plain image.


  • CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource - continued to be used internally, If you'd like to continue using cancellation tokens please consider copying this code into your project.
  • DataDecoding, DataDecoder, DataDecoderComposition - replaced by a new image decoding infrastructure (ImageDecoding, ImageDecoder, ImageDecodingRegistry etc).
  • Request renamed to ImageRequest.
  • Deprecate Result type. It was only used in a single completion handler so it didn't really justify its existence. More importantly, I wasn't comfortable providing a public Result type as part of the framework.