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Nuke 7.0-rc1

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@kean kean released this 04 May 07:51
· 2449 commits to main since this release

This is the final pre-release version. The only thing left to do is finish updating the documentation.

Changes in 7.0-rc1:

Loading Images into Views

  • Add more ImageLoadingOptions including failureImage, contentModes and custom transitions.
  • ImageView will now automatically prepare itself for reuse (can be disabled via ImageLoadingOptions).
  • Add ImageDisplaying protocol and relax the requirement what can be used as an image view (it's UIView & ImageDisplaying now). This achieves two things: 1) you can now add support for more classes (e.g. MKAnnotationView) by implementing ImageDisplaying protocol, 2) you can override the display(image: method in UIImageView subclasses (e.g. FLAnimatedImageView).

Image Processing

  • Update new ImageProcessing protocol to add additional ImageProcessingContext parameter. This enabled features like _ProgressiveBlurImageProcessor which blurs only first few scans of the progressive image with each new scan having reduced blur radius (see Progressive JPEG Demo).

Animated Images

  • Add built-in support for animated images (everything expect the actual rendering). To enable rendering you're still going to need a library (see FLAnimatedImage and Gifu plugins). The changes made in Nuke dramatically simplify those plugins making both of them essentially obsolete (they both now have 10-30 lines of code).


  • Simplify ImagePipeline closure-based API. Remove progressiveImageHandler, pass partial images into existing progress closure.
  • Improve test coverage of new features.