Mainly as a learning exercise, both for learning Rust, and making myself familiar with it's gamedev-related libraries like WGPU
. Therefore, rendering code is custom, and the rest of the codebase was also kept at as low-level as was reasonable.
Rendering code keeps the entire screen state in a packed u32 array uniform (1 bit per pixel), updates only the parts that were modified between frames (as much as possible, given a contiguous slice), and draws the grid entirely on the GPU, so it should be pretty snappy (and scales nicely as a bonus).
Sound was also implemented, though, as it wasn't my main focus, it's pretty bare-bones.
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.54.0 (a178d0322 2021-07-26)
$ cargo build
$ cargo run
Drag and drop ROM files onto the window to play them. Keys are mapped the following way:
Keyboard Chip-8 Keypad
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|1|2|3|4| |1|2|3|C|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|Q|W|E|R| |4|5|6|D|
+-+-+-+-+ => +-+-+-+-+
|A|S|D|F| |7|8|9|E|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|Z|X|C|V| |A|0|B|F|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
There are also 4 keybindings for setting different emulation speeds:
|F1| - ~100 ticks/s
|F2| - ~250 ticks/s
|F3| - ~500 ticks/s
|F4| - ~1000 ticks/s
- Switchable graphics resolution modes (64x64, 128x128)
- Some sort of screen deflickerer 👀
- Better timing code (allowing more than 1000 ticks per second)