Transform audio in real-time.
audiotrans use PyAudio which depends PortAudio. So we have to install PortAudio in ways of each platforms.
pip install audiotrans
Now we can use audiotrans
audiotrans is plugin based architecture. To transform audio, we have to install and use transform modules.
Transform modules like of the below is available.
usage: audiotrans [-h] [-v] [-b BUFFER_SIZE] [-t TRANSFORMS] [-c CHART_TYPE]
Transform audio in real-time
positional arguments:
filepath Audio file path to read on stream and transform.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Run as verbose mode
-b BUFFER_SIZE, --buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE
Buffer size to read data on stream
Transform module name to apply.
Specified module name is auto-prefixed `audiotrans_transform_`,
so to use `audiotrans_transform_stft`, you may just specify `stft`.
-c CHART_TYPE, --chart-type CHART_TYPE
Chart type to data visualization.
Below values are available:
freq : Display frequency of wave.
To plot, transformed data must be formed 1-D array of wave.
spec : Display spectrum of wave.
To plot, Transformed data must be formed 1-D array of spectrum
or 2-D array of spectrogram.
Or if not specified, no chart appears.
Passing arguments to transforms:
For -t, you may use subarg syntax to pass options to the transforms
as the second parameter. For example:
-t [ stft -w 2048 -H 256 ]
For details of available options, see documents of transforms which to use.
make test
MIT (c) keik