SlickGrid plugin to deal with structured data.
Set StructuredDataView to SlickGrid:
// create StructuredDataView object
var dataView = new Slick.Data.StructuredDataView();
// set DataView to SlickGrid
var grid = new Slick.Grid('#my-grid', dataView, columns, options);
// apply rowspan styles
dataView.syncGridCellCssStyles(grid, 'rowspan');
Events are fired when data changed so handling them:
// event on row changed
dataView.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function () {
And manipulate structured data via StrcturedDataView such like:
// manipulate structured data via StructuredDataView
var data = [
{col1: 1, children: [{col2: '1-1', data: {col3: 'this is 1-1', children: [{col4: '1-1-1'},
{col4: '1-1-2'}]}},
{col2: '1-2', col3: 'this is 1-2', children: [{col4: '1-2-1'},
{col4: '1-2-2'},
{col4: '1-2-3'}]}]},
{col1: 2, children: [{col2: '2-1', data: {col3: 'this is 2-1', children: [{col4: '2-1-1'},
{col4: '2-1-2'}]}},
{col2: '2-2', col3: 'this is 2-2', children: [{col4: '2-2-1'},
{col4: '2-2-2'},
{col4: '2-2-3'}]}]}];
Array would be treated as children. No array object or primitive would be treaded as same level properties.
MIT (c) keik