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This is a simple GitHub action that takes the results of a simplecov coverage run and writes a comment in a PR that includes current coverage, along with diffs against a baseline.

If there is no change in coverage, the action does nothing - any old coverage comment will be left alone if it exists.

The comment will have a summary that shows project-wide coverage changes, and an initially collapsed table that shows changes on a per-file basis. Only files which have coverage changes will be included in the table.


What It Does

graph TD
  A[Start] --> B{Pull request?}
  B --> |Yes| C[Load and parse results]
  B --> |No| H[Halt and catch fire]
  C --> |Error| H
  C --> D{Coverage changed?}
  D --> |Yes| E[Delete old comments]
  D --> |No| Z[Done]
  E --> F[Create new comment]
  F --> Z

Important Notes

I made this for a work project, so the choices I've made reflect my personal preferences and needs. This initial version solves my problems. I will make this available on the GH marketplace, but I have no clue if anyone else will ever use it. However, if people find it useful and want more configurability or features, I am happy to discuss it via GH issues and pull requests.

Things that will cause this action to fail:

  • running on a non-PR workflow - since this action adds issue comments, that's the only thing that makes sense to me
  • missing the baseline resultset - the main idea of this action is to display coverage diffs

The underlying ruby coverage libaray (as far as I can tell) uses absolute paths for coverage entries on each file. When the coverage report is generated, we remove $GITHUB_WORKSPACE from the start of the path, keeping a relative path from the repo root. (This is something that could potentially be configured in the future.) When comparing files for the diff, we have some options:

  1. Keep an extra file along with the baseline that records the absolute path of the local checkout when the coverage was generated
  2. Postprocess .resultset.json and remove the absolute path of the local checkout from each of the file entries
  3. Do nothing and hope for the best

I rejected option 1 because it would be more painful to use, and it appears so far that $GITHUB_WORKSPACE is stable across runs and takes the form /home/runner/work/<repo name>/<repo name>. I have only tested with the Ubuntu 22.04 runner at this point. Option 2 seemed bad also - too much work, and potentially problematic. So I opted for option 3, which is in line with my overall laziness, and hopefully it just won't be a problem.

If for some reason the $GITHUB_WORKSPACE turns out not to be stable, I will have to revisit this. If your first run of the action is on your main branch (see below in How Do I Manage the Baseline?), then you should have no problems at all. If for some reason the absolute paths don't match, the overall diff should be correct, but the per-file diff will include all the files, which is just noisy.


Name Required Default Description
github-token Yes ${{ github.token }} GitHub token so we can add and delete comments
baseline-resultset Yes 'coverage-baseline/.resultset.json' Path of the JSON file representing baseline coverage statistics
current-resultset Yes 'coverage/.resultset.json' Path of the JSON file representing current coverage statistics



Example Usage

This is roughly how I use it:

name: CI

      - main
      - main

    name: Lint & Test
      - # set up, run linter, etc., and generate coverage
      - name: Set up coverage baseline
        run: echo 'This is up to you...see below for my suggestion'
      - name: Report coverage
        if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
        uses: keithlayne/simplecov-reporter-action@v1.0.0
          # these are all the defaults
          github-token: ${{ github.token }}
          baseline-resultset: ./coverage-baseline/.resultset.json
          current-resultset: ./coverage/.resultset.json
      - name: Update coverage baseline
        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
        run: echo 'On pushes to master, update the baseline'

This example amends the initial commit and force-pushes so that you only ever have a single commit at refs/coverage/baseline, because I don't care about the history of that file. You can do whatever you like.

How Do I Manage the Baseline?

This is completely up to you -- but read this section anyway, as there may be some considerations regardless of where you store the baseline. One reasonable approach is to store the single file in some kind of cloud storage. However, I have a suggestion: use git.

I store the baseline in a ref that doesn't start with refs/heads/. This has a couple of nice benefits, but for our purposes, it's a convenient place to stash files, and it's pretty cheap to access in an action. It should never get in the way of your day-to-day git usage either.

Here's how you can use git to store the baseline resultset in a workflow (I use refs/coverage/baseline for this):

      # ...
      - name: Checkout coverage baseline
        # drop the baseline into coverage-baseline
        run: |
          git fetch origin refs/coverage/baseline
          git worktree add coverage-baseline FETCH_HEAD
      - name: Report coverage
        # as above
      - name: Update coverage baseline
        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
        # or, if you only respond to pushes on main:
        # if: github.event_name == 'push'
        working-directory: coverage-baseline
        run: |
          # git is grumpy if you don't set this up - this will show the bot
          git config --global "github-actions[bot]"
          git config --global "41898282+github-actions[bot]"

          cp ../coverage/.resultset.json ./.resultset.json
          git add .resultset.json
          git commit --amend --message='Update coverage baseline'
          git push --force origin HEAD:refs/coverage/baseline

IMPORTANT: The checkout step will not work unless that git ref exists in origin. This means if you use this method, it needs to be set up before this workflow runs the first time.

How you initially set up your baseline ref depends on if your first workflow run will be in the main branch or in a PR.

First run on push to main branch

This is simpler in theory, but I haven't tried it yet during development of this action. You should be able to create an empty ref like this:

# Create an orphan branch
git checkout --orphan temp
# Add a single empty commit
git commit --message='Initial commit' --allow-empty
# Push it
git push origin HEAD:refs/coverage/baseline

Then clean up:

git checkout main
git branch --delete --force temp

At this point, the ref is set up with nothing in it but an empty commit. If you add this action to your workflow in a PR, it will fail, but if you push the update to main first, it should simply update the baseline ref, and future PRs from that point should show coverage diffs.

First run on pull request

You need to do some initial setup to push your initial baseline result set:

# Make sure you're in the repo root
cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
# The baseline should represent the current state of your main branch in the origin
git checkout origin/main
# Generate coverage, I'm assuming it's at coverage/.resultset.json
rake test
# Create an orphan branch so we have a clean HEAD
git checkout --orphan temp
# clean up the branch (assuming you have ignored coverage dir in git)
git reset --hard
# Copy the json file to the root
cp coverage/.resultset.json .

At this point, you very likely need to munge the resultset file as discussed in Important Notes so that your initial file diffs are correct. You can do this however you want, but I have tested this (assuming an environment with GNU sed):

REPO=$(basename $(git remote get-url origin) .git)
sed -i "s|$(pwd)|/home/runner/work/${REPO}/${REPO}|" .resultset.json

This should leave you with a locally-generated, actions-compatible baseline. Now, push the munged baseline resultset to refs/coverage/baseline:

# Create an initial commit
git add .resultset.json
git commit --message='Update coverage baseline'
git push origin HEAD:refs/coverage/baseline

Now you can clean up the temporary orphan branch:

git checkout main
git branch --delete --force temp

Now you have a special ref that has a single file holding your coverage baseline.

Now, in your workflow, before you run the coverage report, you can check this file out, and update it after running tests when you're on the main branch:


  • Write tests
  • Make some things configurable maybe
  • CI
  • License
  • See if it actually works without branch coverage

Example Output

Ruby Test Coverage

Lines Lines Covered Line Coverage Branches Branches Covered Branch Coverage
Totals 3517 2833 80.55% 595 242 (+1) 40.67% (+0.17%)
File Changes
Lines Lines Covered Line Coverage Branches Branches Covered Branch Coverage
path/to/foo.rb 13 11 84.62% 10 5 (+1) 50% (+10%)